That's rich coming from the loose confederation of tribes that gave us that Borat fellow.
That's rich coming from the loose confederation of tribes that gave us that Borat fellow.
Ooooh, baby, it is a wild world indeed.
You may laugh, but every super-rich person/member of the Illuminati does their banking at their local grocery store. Anything else is likely to attract attention.
You're truly doing the lord's work here. Nicely done.
And just when the fear of AIDS starts to subside, Ebola keeps getting closer.
And I keep trying so hard to get out of the grays for the third time...
It's like someone read something we all read about years ago. She probably could have even mentioned how the Han-majority government continues to try to destroy this way of life.
Yeah, everything about her screams, "Don't look at me!"
Ariana Grande is proof that even someone from another planet who doesn't speak our language will turn into an asshole when given a bit of fame.
Christ, how hard would it be to simply change the school mascot to "The Warriors" and move the fuck on, Bobby?
You're getting way too much mileage out of this food import ban. But, I'm getting a lot of chuckles from your take on it, so... vpered, comrade!
Clearly, he's figured out that if his Republican opponent can't find a picture of him with a dick in his mouth at this point they never will.
Yeah, Gifford's right up there with Rob Ford. Perhaps, not coincidentally, they have the same complexion these days.
I guess I simply didn't get it. I thought the joke was old by the end of the first chapter and couldn't bear it for more than another dozen pages or so.
No, this shit is simply goofy as fuck. Maybe that's worse. This shit is hideous:
I'd say having people dress up as this internet gibberish ball of spookyfluff is exactly what it'll take to render it harmless and uninteresting to fuckhead tweens.
The fact that you're "gray" sums up everything still wrong with the universe.
I think you raise some interesting questions. I think those questions are easily ignored because of how you have presented them.