You Also Have A Pizza

You're that.

Maybe if you changed the words around a bit?

Aren't you the same guy who was whining about not getting paid when there are "cool dads" or whatever? Christ, either go get a degree in "reading" "texts" or get the fuck back to that island you bought with all your Clio money, gramps.

Oh, grow the fuck up! The man has paid enough. And, like Justin Beiber, he's really more into painting now, anyway. Why can't you let him spread his wings?

And none of them would even give you the time of day, even though your mom says you're a prince.

"Entitled" and "cunt" in the same sentence. I bet you're easier to spot in "real life" than you think you are.

Thanks for kicking off an interesting conversation. Having never met Tyson, I continue to feel very conflicted about him. I imagine that if I did meet him, I'd be even more conflicted. The question of whether charisma and contrition can ever repair the damage one has done is an important one.

Objektabletitties's critique is so out there it seems more like performance art than a legitimate complaint.

Probably better to check your privilege and stop trying to police a communities reaction to how others treat their religious and cultural icons and property with propane disrespect purely for the motive of offense. It is almost as if you condone religious bigotry...

It doesn't do anything for me, but I'm glad she likes doing it, and I'm glad you like it.

Two amazingly rich people "fighting" via Twatter— well, my socks!

I've yet to hear anything she has recorded.

Jesus. Fucking Jesus.

It's no Saint Lazslo, but it's up there.


Another phoned-in Dirt Bag. And on your second-to-last-day, too.

you know how sometimes the comment in head is more like "English" or something like that? How weird it make you look like dickhead instead? Congrats, this is one version of those!

Pretty "cool" that she found an eighty-year-old Italian man with cancer to put on her wig and take the hit for her. Who says money can't buy class?

I'm happy that Leo is wearing his hair floppy again.