
It’s because your browser is being tracked... Incognito mode + Burner Account = hidden from friend. (Not the government or your ISP)

Pretty sure it actually, 100% works that way.

Nope, my email account that I used for facebook isn’t used for anything else, we didn’t have each others phone numbers, not in any of the same groups, didn’t go to the same schools, didn’t even live in the same city, were not tagged in any photos together, and had absolutely zero links through facebook with the

have you sent/received any emails to/from them or in which you were both recipients, on an email account that’s linked to a device which also has the facebook app? exchanged phone numbers? do you belong to any of the same facebook groups? were you tagged in the same photo?

Facebook freaks the fuck out of me. The suggested videos/stories, etc. that show up on my feed are related to google searches that I had recently done. Also, I think they recommend friends based on who you are physically near at a given time. My counselor, who I know would not look up my Facebook account, showed up

Pretty sure it does. I have looked up people before and we have zero friends in common and they have told me I show up on their suggested friends list. There would be absolutely no reason I should be linked to this person as far as facebook knows but it still showed up. If you don’t think that they use your search

pretty sure that’s not how it works...

Unfortunately one thing you can’t account for, without setting up a burner account, is if you search for people it tends to put your name in their suggested friends list. I like to see if I can find a Tinder/Bumble date on Facebook before meeting up with them to see if their other pictures reflect their dating app

It’s all fun and games until it explodes, showering the floor with potential late-night booby traps.

ROUND pistons? What sort of LEGO sorcery is this?

I love how all 8 pistons on that V8 took flight simultaneously :D !

After seeing this I’m convinced some guys should forge metal LEGO bricks and pieces, just so we can get one of these things to operate like a real engine. Heck, if it proves successful, we could really be onto something. :P

Pretty obvious to me they were running too much boost.

What?!? No Wankel Engines? Don’t worry Jason, I found one for you, but they didn’t rev it up for the Jeremy Clarkson crowd...

Damn you - these are all over eBay and Amazon. I need one now as a desk toy. Aka Fidget Engine.

Maaaaan I’m cringing while watching these haha

Is there any way to make a W16 out of two V8 Lego engine blocks? Or are they not that flexible?

People have wayyyy to much fucking time on their hands...

I’m saving those GIFS to post them on Facebook whenever someone posts Mustangs leaving Cars’n’Coffee and other similar vehicular nonsense...

After experiencing multiple engine failures in my life I never thought I could see one explode and cause so much happiness.