
Wow, classy.

Maybe ease up on the insult slinging there, eh? It’s rather unprovoked, and undeserved, which kinda makes you the shithead.

Gotta admit, I didn’t anticipate ad hominem attacks as your way of proving the strength of your argument... wait, yes, yes I did.

Gotta admit, I didn’t anticipate “double-down on being an entitled shithead” as a response.

You’re wrong. The moment you report a death, it’s about the audience. It can’t be about the deceased, as they don’t have a stake, and it can’t be about the family and friends, as they are already a network capable of transmitting that information without public dissemination. I can certainly understand desiring to say

You do know that many like to know not just because of sheer morbidity but because they want to know if what killed him could be avoidable and to perhaps offer some help to familiy/friends/others?

Moron ^

What an odd comment to make.

That kid is toast. Even though they lettuce know what happened, I’ll bet he’ll be bacon for his job back next week.

I was highly qualified but lost a job at Bojangle’s, because you have to be Christian to work there. They even have questions on the resume asking:

To continue from sbx2, it’s a credential that is a laminated hard plastic card. Used in most forms of motorsports (IMSA, NHRA, etc.) and, I imagine, many other events. Typically given to people that are not just one event participants.

Lettuce remember the sandwich and the hero’s that eat them.

There’s your problem, the wheat bread is the real gem there.

I think they found a sub for him anyway...

Hard card is a Nascar issued credential that allows you access to all parts of the track. Pit Road, garage, meetings etc...

Alright, ignorant question time! “Hard card”?

The sandwiches are truly awful. The bread makes or breaks a sub, and the jimmy johns bread is the lamest, blandest, most unpleasantly textured white bread I have ever eaten. Plus, the owner is a scumbag, they make (or once did make) their fucking employees sign non-compete agreements (TO MAKE FUCKING SUBS FOR

Serious question Skay: Do you just sit around thinking up every combination of pun you can and enter them in a database just in case some freakishly specific situation happens where you can put them into use?

That po’ boy dropped his sandwich.