
Agreed. I came here this morning to read a tribute to the guy... and nothing.

Off-topic but how is there not a tribute to former Kotaku writer Mike Fahey?


Phantom Thread? Fuck no. Beautifully shot, designed and acted. Every costume was impeccable, and even the way the actors chewed in some scenes conveyed volumes of emotion. Unfortunately it was in the service of two characters so tedious and loathsome that I didn’t care about anything that happened to them and actively

Boogie Nights is his best.  Please; no need to be pretentious.  

HOT TAKE: PTA disappeared up his own asshole with The Master and hasn’t been since.

I took a month off for paternity leave twice, after the birth of my daughters. It was great.

If any part of you is “grinning,” I think you’re the complete asshole in this situation.

This EV won’t work for me because it starts at $139,000 plus destination fee. My house plus car total less than that. To replace ICE vehicles for most Americans they’ll have to give us about 325 miles of range for under $25,000. It's not about my 85 miles of commuting each day, it's the occasional trips from Atlanta

Part of me applauds obvious queer subtext in mainstream entertainment and part of me thinks it’s a cynical business decision, a way for studios to have their cake and eat it too by telling LGBTQ-friendly stories that give the product some edge and bring critical acclaim while maintaining plausible deniability.

I detected a TON of queer subtext in “Luca” — to the point that regardless of what the director says, it almost had to be purposeful. The biggest give-away for me was the (SPOILERS) reveal that the two old women in the town were also sea monsters in disguise. That’s a classic Boston Marriage reference, and something

I miss good squad co-op games like the cringey, vaguely racist Conflict: Desert Storm.

Freedom Fighters was an underrated gem.  

Crimson Skies!!!!!

My personal choice would be Freedom Fighters. I adored that game and would love a remade version. But my second choice would be NBA Street, or the (Insert Sport) Street games in general. They were so much fun in a crazy, arcade style. I’d love to see updated versions. I’d even go for remaking the original Silent Hill

American culture in 1955 vs. 1970 vs. 1985 vs. 2000. It’s not as weird as you’d think.

Outside of the first two movies, the most successful sequel was a TV show, so if they must continue beating this particular dead horse, there are worse ways to do so.

I have the exact opposite feeling. I despise the PS1. I think my copy of Madden 99 is still trying to load. Oh, my memory card just died.

I love all of my consoles, even the ones I dont play that much, because I can find great experiences on every single one of them.

Seriously. Space Mountain is a perfectly fine little roller coaster that I remember virtually nothing about. The Haunted Mansion is *amazing*.