
First grade. Enchiladas for school lunch (South Texas). Merry-Go-Round at recess.

Yes. The scene this article is about and the reverse-time fight at the end are creative, unique and stunning. A perfectly cromulent film and well worth your time.

Agree, especially since his TV is 1080p.

Agree, especially since his TV is 1080p.

That's fine. Dorne is weak in both mediums.

I didn't realize Pod and Gendry were different people until Season 7 last year. It's more obvious on my 2nd (binge) watch, though.

My goal is to take my 2005 Scion tC to 239,000 because 1) that’s the average distance from the Earth to the Moon, and 2) it’s great not to have a car payment. Thing runs great at 155,000 so I’m optimistic.

I’m sorry, I usually love these segments, but all of these stink.

Would it be anywhere near as reliable as my ageing yet beloved 2005 Scion tC? Laugh all you want, but that puppy runs like a top.

Might want to point out these are progressive tax rates, not marginal. That means, if your income increases to a new tax bracket your overall tax rate doesn’t jump, just the income in that bracket. For example, $19,400 dollars of your income is taxed at 12%, then your income between $19,400 and $78,950 is at 22%.  The

1980s Craig T. Nelson. Make it happen!

I was going to do this one! Glad I checked the comments first.

Similar experience with my Scion TC. I bought it for meh reasons, as a way to get a Camry gearbox and engine for less than 18K, and it looked neat-o, in a fairly understated way. Almost 14 years later the darn thing runs like a top and is by far the most reliable car I’ve ever owned.

Trying to wrap up Spider-Man (started a little late) in time for 10/26, when all other activities will cease.

This is where I went to summer camp for years: at the HEB ranch, on the Frio river. Glad to know the night skies are still stunning.

This. My parents had a long string of Buicks, Chevys and Oldsmobiles (plus a 1979 VW Rabbit that was a blast to drive, but also junk by 65K miles). I drove several of them as a teenager, at least when they chose to start. Then, in 1986 they got a Honda Accord, which was a revelation in build and quality, a prince of

Second. Sure like my Wusthof.

Second. Sure like my Wusthof.

This is probably my favorite game of that generation and the only one I played all the way through twice. I was actually interested in the story, which is rare for me.

Destiny 2. I... I know. I know.

Heather, you don’t need to equip your best stuff to decode. The Game will search your person, your vault, and even our other guardian builds and decode accordingly. Big improvement.

Origins is an overlooked gem.