Even ELECTED Hispanic republicans (the black sheeps of my people) are denouncing Trump.
Even ELECTED Hispanic republicans (the black sheeps of my people) are denouncing Trump.
I remember during the Clinton administration when the gop loved to make fun of her for not being feminine enough.
Do religious Americans want fairness? Yes.
Consider her slogan, “Fighting for us.” For many men, this slogan would have to be experienced as emasculating. A woman fighting for them?
So, wait. These morons are accusing her of dog whistle politics, when “Make America Great Again” exists in the same universe?
They’re out there, man! And when they’re done getting their jollies at Target bathrooms, they go right down to the polling booth to commit voter fraud.
You should report missing person (child or adult) as soon as you know they are missing. There is no rule about having to wait 24 hours, that is from TV only to increase drama etc.
Does anyone else fear that the constant awarding a “winner” and “loser” in votes that hand out delegate via percentage points, so really Bernie won 5-8 delegates more than Hillary (closing in on her by 5%, maybe? I don’t do math) but it revs up excitement about something that isn’t that huge of a win....anyways.....…
Dude. You’re a public figure now, we own you - you have to take it.
This white teacher explained it long ago:
I completely agree. Right now it’s a conveniently nebulous concept that can be contorted to mean something that is rarely intended. For instance, I regard my classrooms as safe spaces in that everyone is entitled to voice their opinion without fear of being shut down or treated with disrespect. The way Bloomberg…
There’s a special place in hell for Commencement speakers who use the opportunity to give political commentary.
When they believe all sex is bad unless it involves a wife submitting to her husband, it doesn’t seem like so much of a leap when someone like this references rape as sex-play.
You are unequivocally wrong. Hook FILLED me with JOY! It is JOY FUL!
Neve Campbell in that movie kept me identifying as a heterosexual male for at least two extra years.
I bind you, Nancy, from making sequels. Sequels with the original cast, or sequels with new starlets.
You’re right about the Craft. That movie is perfection.
The angles were really awful. His thighs looked so skinny.
ive got an angel face and I’m nothing but an angel.
“My toxoplasmosis is fully incubated. Please inhale deeply.”