He didn't read the article, what makes you think he'll read that long comment?
He didn't read the article, what makes you think he'll read that long comment?
Because it was a government conspiracy! Right guys?
Does the change in screen resolution show up in existing apps or will developers need to update them to take advantage of the resolution?
I use the Leaf by Mohu http://amzn.com/B004QK7HI8 It works ok for me.
What a tool
You're right, that's pretty close. It's not like Apple is really making any money off their calculator design though...
Have they actually copied any products? Their products are obviously influenced by Rams but are there any explicit copies? I'm actually interested, not being a fanboy...
At first I was seeing the wristband picture backwards and thought you had an incredibly huge forearm that transitioned to a really skinny wrist. But don't worry, you're ok. It was just your hand.
I think it's because of the size of the battery used in the new iPad, but I was wrong once.
How does the new Titus Andronicus album sound on the iPad mini?
Car wins
Apple hates Gizmodo, so I doubt they send them anything...
whoopee cushion
I love the idea of Sony making hardware and keeping their grubby hands off of my software.
Oh man, it better not be April 27th! April 23rd would be so much better!
But then you would have no need to increase Gizmodo's page-clicks!
What the hell kind of headline is this?
Why do PC trackpads always suck? Is it too much to ask for some smooth-scrolling action?