Crazy thought- how about Johansson quits, and they give Fukushima the part?
Crazy thought- how about Johansson quits, and they give Fukushima the part?
Maybe even villains! There! All better!
Counterpoint: Babies are actually conniving, sociopathic little geniuses who biologically trick people into loving them.
Babies are dumb.
Luckily, I slept through the alarm.
Ellie is this your gentle way of telling me to stop sitting at my desk in the nude with a beach towel padding my chair or what
I wear dresses, leggings, and flats because they are easier to put on. A couple of months ago my coworker asked if I constantly wore dresses as a “religious thing” which I found odd because the dresses I wear aren’t very conservative. Her eyebrows reached a new level when I explained that I do it because it is…
I’m not an adult, I’m a child who’s levelled up.
I’m glad you are doing a story on this. I just saw another Facebook post on the weekend for another girl who went missing while possibly hitchhiking. Going to go see if she was found in the end. It’s rarely reported when that happens and I live right on Highway 16. :/
A United Nations report last year described measures by the previous government to protect aboriginal women from harm as “inadequate”
I know, I KNOW we have massive race problems in America. But I feel like because of that, Canada gets seen as this non-racist utopia, especially by my white Canadian friends. And it allows them to sweep this shit under the rug, because hey, at least they aren’t America. But this makes me so mad, and feel so helpless,…
I related to more of this than I feel comfortable with, to be honest. These are hard things to admit or say, even to one’s self.
Do you suppose she gives a shit whether you “believe in it” or not?
Trolls don’t respond to reasonable explanations, pleas for compassion, or even a firm blocking. Maybe they’ll…
Donald Trump, a piece of shit whose only conviction is that he always deserves to win,
God, I cried just reading the article, before I got to the video. Poor girl. Good on Florence Welch.
Why is this on Jezebel?