
Sounds like that would have been a fun worldbuilding moment.

The solution is simple. Ban people.


Counter-counter: you have no joy in your heart, and forgot that not everything is for you.

Not that wise; I just got told off by a Jony Ive parody twitter account for complaining about the Music app. Feel like I just chased a parked car.

Stay calm and think.... think think.... where did I bury the food.

All commerce is a cash grab. It’s literally about trading goods/services for cash, that I assume one then grabs at some point.

Whenever I run into something where I’m like, “who the fuck likes this?” I think of the mantra: “This is not for me. This doesn’t have to be for me. There is no obligation for me to like this, or for it to be liked by me. This is not for me...”

Here are what are in MY opinion, the 12 greatest contributions to the expanded universe. I’m sure there are many worthy contributions missing, but I will lose no sleep.

Totally legit vault dweller.

It will be some lower level CCP member. Blame, jail, execute, harvest organs, repeat. Just a normal communist Thursday

I sure hope that John W. Campbell smiled down on the 1982 film.

ever wonder were stalactites come from? Yup, those caverns are not sealed tight. If water that forms stalactites drops by, so does every possible poison.

We decide what reality is. What reality actually is....well who knows.

I was also under the impression that farm workers relieving themselves in the fields was the culprit and the livestock contamination was just a cover-up story because people couldn’t handle the truth. It is no wonder their livestock relocation didn’t work.

Well, my thought is rather that the way our universe dies has no bearing on the birth of new universes. If multiverse theory is correct, universal births are not related to universal deaths.

This. I love the movie as a whole, but this is my one major complaint. Don’t kill off the most interesting characters and leave us with someone better suited to being an extra.

Still has a better Rotten Tomatoes rating than Fantastic Four.

+1 That was abysmal quality for CGI even when it was released and the film was hardly low budget. I can’t begin to understand how the studio rationalized releasing it in that condition.

The Scorpion King in The Mummy Returns was fucking terrible. Look at this piece of crap that barely has some resemblance of The Rock in what I GUESS you would call it’s face.