
It’s just the most interesting reason.

The world needs a giant banhammer.

São Paulo in portuguese.

Yes, they are pretty sincere about being horrible. That’s actually commendable without sarcasm.

All we know about life and all life itself, as we know it, is contained in the blue orb.

Your loss.

I think I can’t see Big Bird being beheaded!

Another point: Other people have opinions different from yours. It’s shocking but it’s true!

Your ideology is showing...

And that’s what offends them.

You are a wise man.

This is a laughing seal. Seal laugh.

Hamtaro’s live action movie.

The timing of the accusations, just after the release of the documents, is sketchy as hell.

“attorney Anna Johnsen”

Meh, one more reason to say “Fuck you, Nintendo!”

I liked it OK. But it was sad to see the seeds of great movie murdered by the studio’s greed.


To be fair I’ve also seen better things with worse budgets.

From the most recent theories it seems to be the case. New universes pop all the time.