
Hey, here’s that time he didn’t use a pen name to get clicks for your site.

If Juan Soto is really as good as everyone says then this might just be rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic, at least until we get to the playoffs and the Nats do that DC thing where they look good the whole season and then collapse in crunch time.

My personal opinion is that when I retire, I want my money to be, well, my money (I’m also of the opinion that my marginal tax rate now is far lower than it will be when I’m approaching retirement age, so it’s a bit of an arbitrage opportunity too.)

my lord that is so mean

look at the bright side, if you’re unemployed, that also means your student loans are gone!

“oh shit the Rangers are in the Cup?

Not for nothing, in my experience, I try to be as accommodating and polite as possible on flights (as shitty as it is for us as travelers, imagine how it is for most flight attendants.)

aright then enjoy your $50 a week gas bill

My resume is essentially a table in a Word doc with the gridlines off, I cannot star this post enough.

it’s just a guy trying desperately to be funny

Videos of small furry animals are generally worthwhile.

It’snort every day you can bring in this kind of talent to lead a growing business.

It pains me to agree with you considering how fun both teams are but you’re probably right. I’m all in for Smashville tho

There’s a fascinating-to-me debate to be had about whether a fanbase can ever be said to have “earned” something, since fandom is fundamentally a passive activity. But suffering doesn’t feel very passive to me. I don’t know where I ultimately come down on this question, but nights like last night do make me think

My personal favorite is the gay penguins.

These are superhero movies. None of them matters except the original Iron Man because that’s the one that got us to this fucking circle jerk in the first place.

And how pissed is Kobe that he got passed over?

i am extremely triggered right now

As a Flyers fan, can confirm both of these things are equally true.

c’mon, you’d prefer Arizona to Cleveland, Indy, or Buffalo