Michele Lea Morin

Nice, very nice.

Yep, that huge error by Manafort’s own attorneys has gotta hurt. Ouch. But kinda funny. I agree with you and also, I am so sure that Mueller is sitting on a ton of other hardcore evidence.

He said that his favorite group, “other people” call it the failing NYT, but I have only heard that expression from his big mouth.

From your lips to God’s ear.  If only...

Umm, all that and he hasn’t paid taxes in forever. And the only time he might be transparent is when he is riffing and bullshitting on Twitter because he is leaking stuff about himself like the fucking idiot that he is.

And Trump seems to have learned little despite his education. BTW, he hates to read so he needs graphics to explain stuff. (He claims intel briefings are repetitious so he has Pence read and report.)  And he has all the symptoms of ADHD, which explains a ton of other obvious problems.

Totally agree.

I love this particular shot.  Obama told Putin to “knock it off,” which is 100% more than I’ve heard from tough-on-Russia Trump.  Sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words.  Obama looks pissed, Putin looks like he has “short-man syndrome.”

Well, without stating a dozen obvious reasons, there is nothing on record to even cover Trump’s fat ass if he so wishes at a later time, you know, like if the Russians claim he said something that he did not.  Duh.

Hahaha!  Good one, Holly.  My best laugh for the day; thanks.

The author doesn’t seem shocked to me and the article is informative as opposed to “whining.” Some of us (me) don’t know the deepest depths of this shit beyond the basics so the info is appreciated.  And this is Libby doing her job.

So he’s just split the difference between “cause and effect” and “effect and cause” as a false equivalence and called it a day? I’m underwhelmed. It’s not like this is his first “freshman mistake.”

Yep, crazy Texas as a runner up to Flori-duh. I remember how scary “need reality check” this was with the governor and all.

You mean “bra and panties” right?  Though I’m on board with parties depending on the food and music.

Good one!  Simplicity...

Is that a yummy tummy or about to barf *gurgle*?  Do you have the recipe for the yummy one?

I like it!

I stopped reading at “honesty.” Seriously, a straight-faced tweet about honesty is a complete oxymoron, emphasis on “moron.”

Two years out with all of the lies, corruption and incompetence... but still, Hillary, emails. Donald hasn’t gotten over her and the server so there’s their daily twittery example.  Stable genius donchaknow.

Yeah, saying 4,000 terrorists have come through the Southern Border was just stupid because umm, 6 is the actual factual number.  You gotta be more credible, SHS.  Lie better.