He won’t be tried on some secret affidavit; he will be tried on several witnesses’ first-hand corroborations. The exact same rules apply during the impeachment inquiry as a criminal trial.
He won’t be tried on some secret affidavit; he will be tried on several witnesses’ first-hand corroborations. The exact same rules apply during the impeachment inquiry as a criminal trial.
Last I heard they were all bitching that the whistleblower’s story was all hearsay. Now we have several other direct corroborations and they gotta have the whistleblower testify. Graham gets no part of this conversation since he said he isn’t reading anymore transcripts because it’s all bullshit.
Well, I don’t know if anyone has ever beat the crap out of Milller but he did not fly under the radar in high school and college. He has been an out-there conservative asshole since then (in a family of liberals/immigrants).
Exactly, plus he kept Flynn on for a couple weeks after “finding out” about him. Sure, he would have done the right thing. Uh, huh. If Flynn hadn’t out and out lied to god-hates-liars Pence, Trump would have kept him on.
‘Zactly... been to the Ninth Circle of Hell courtesy of Dante.
And to top it off, Mr Condescending called it a “gravel”, not a gavel. Who doesn’t know what that bangy thing is? Dumbass.
The ambassador had nothing to do with it. Moreno yanked his asylum. Your imagination needs some retuning. No maids there.
And Obama commuted her sentence, nice guy that he was. She hasn’t exactly shown much gratitude either.
Not exactly a whistleblower when she exposed the identities of foreigners who chose to help the US in war zones. Of course, she said she did it for love of her country. Sure.
Oh please! Moreno is no traitor to finally yank Ecuador’s hospitality to the unbearable and ungrateful, narcissistic whiner, Assange.
Yep, this is what happens to you when your zip code is Dante’s Circles of Hell. Messes with your DNA and the building blocks of life. Completely soul-less.
I was thinking larger scale, like the entire fucking planet. Low class evil. No one else thought closing the border was a sane idea, either. Miller, like Trump, thrives on chaos and destruction.
But not the popular vote. By 3 million. And the electoral win was by a slim few thousand in each of 3 states; definitely not a landslide.
Don’t minimize Russia’s massive social media influence. The Dems don’t ignore voter disenfranchisement the last I checked. They have flagged this crap a lot; voter ID, early voting limits and closing voter polls, against voter roll purges, trying to make the day a federal holiday and the worst, horribly obvious…
Pretty pathetic to arrange for yourself to be nominated. Sad.
They will be waiting a very long time because there is no literal “Hell.” I am so tired of man made dogma.
Not a bad idea if everything “breaks” to get rid of this obscene inequity; referencing the Electoral College and the horribly immoral gerrymandering.
Yes, no use slinking into the gutter with them. The high road is much less traveled.
Only serious narcissists do this strategic? crap (ie: Ted Bundy). And the outcome is as predictably arrogant and crazy as you might imagine. Sigh.
I just read a great article about how FOX news is decidedly NOT news, but propaganda. It traced the beginnings of Murdoch and Ailes.