Michele Lea Morin

I love how the Germans laughed at him during his UN “speech”; where they were laughing with him, not at him.  Yeah, kinda like that.

Well, it could be worse.  Too bad Donald hasn’t used the last two years wisely and learned about governance/grifting the DC way.

Yep, Mitch is the same coin as Donald, just the flip side. Manipulators.  Fuck them both.

Such an asshole doesn’t know how to spell the word compromise; in his perverted zero sum worldview someone either has to win (him) or lose (them, in a humiliating make them grovel kind of way).  Because being the bully that he is, that is all he knows.  Psych 101, you’re welcome.

And remember, literally at the midnight hour, Trump was calling around questioning the decision to put Pence on the ticket. He was freaking OUT! And still I wonder about the strategy to put together “couldn’t be more opposites on the planet.” Is it like their “who did that?” Ukraine RNC platform policy (obviously fo

I swear he looks like a better wax version of himself.  Right?  Because wax is more personable.  Even Christian Wax.

Yep, just like when Nancy told Donald he didn’t have the House votes after a bipartisan agreement to fund the spending bill until 2/8, and without his fucking wall. But by golly, leave it to Anne Coulter, Fox and Friends, Rush and the Freedom Caucus telling Trump he doesn’t have even two droopy balls and whoosh

It reminded me of how he described the biggest, most beautiful piece of chocolate cake ever, while hosting the Chinese leader at Mar-a-Lago.  Omg, do I have a “Fuck Me” painted on my forehead?

Yeah, well, those 19 year olds are not the only ones “trapped in their own heads.” Take a good look in that mirror of yours, along with your Foxy Friends, the GOP and oh, Donald.  Geez, Carlson, you actually said this with a straight face?  Because it’ll take approximately 200 years for gender pay equality.  True

First of all, no one has applied the broad brush stroke to ALL of these refugees/economic immigrants. Don’t know or care what you are reading or listening to but the narrative I have heard is not 100% of anything but it certainly is less than you are allowing for in YOUR narrative. Many years ago my daughter was

If Donald hadn’t already killed every sense of irony this would be ironic. Good. Whatever keeps those “terrible” refugees from going back to their shithole countries. I nominate Trump to return in their place.

If these “kids” are our future then they are welcome to it, the nasty little fuckers.  

Really? Is that why he hasn’t been doing his job the last clue of years?  I thought it was simply because he’s incapable.  He watches more TV and twitters more.

But. But. But. When Donald says fuck Ike all the time it must not be a scam, of course. And pussy and shithole countries.   Rcause reasons.

In 1976 Congress passed a law exactly so this wouldn’t happen. Donald doesn’t have nearly the power he thinks he has. Try reading to the end of the bill instead of tl;dr. Checks and balances buddy, something the GOP let slide for what reason, Graham? POWER of the Dems you didn’t need to worry about at Kavanaugh’s

Poor Schroedinger’s cat.

What are the sychophants like McCarthy doing up there smiling from ear to ear? Really? Too stupid to understand the long-term consequences to this bullshit? You know, most don’t blame the Dems, they blame Trump and the GOP for manufacturing another stunt like they did before the mid-terms. This is NOT a national

Nielsen gives me the bad goosebumps on a whole other level from Grump... Cruella deVille seems to go beyond parroting Donald, like she enjoys blaming the parents and the dead children and then literally dusting her hands off of the entire mess.  Creepy.

Living while black doing various and sundry things that we all do has NEVER been a thing to get attacked, injured or killed for.  Whatever twisted mind justifies this illogic deserves no mercy.  They are shitholes.

Ditto. I have believed all along that while there are many good things to the basic platform, it provided a jumping off place to fix and reform specifics that “repeal without a sound replacement” was simply a dangerous ego trip by a power-crazed GOP.