Michele Lea Morin

Totally love this.  It’s a keeper!

The WH can’t let him out much because he interviews horribly; remember the infamous interview with Jake Tapper who literally shut him down telling him that he was wasting everyone’s time.  Ugh.

The key is proving this kind of crap.  It must be illegal.  If it isn’t I really am going to leave the country.  Wait... everywhere is blowing up, too.

Exactly!  Which I just said to myself out loud while reading this and also, refelecting on the power grabs in NC, Wisconsin, etc.  I almost wish that I liked to drink.

Yep... though I don’t believe in broad strokes to bad mouth “groups of people,” across the US, with the power-grabbing being done by states and oh! yeah, that non-existent voter fraud thing is now valid. But, all Republicans.  Not fake news, either.

Of course, THIS judge just happens to be highly respected as opposed to those losers who rule against me.  But be careful what you wish for GOP; might not have expected the outcome to jump the runway like this.  I mean y’all are such far-thinking visionaries.

Kinda defensive, aren’t you? Your legislature has passed some shitty bills. Listening to their bullshit with the infamous “Bathroom Bill”, well, it was beyond absurd.  And NCAL proudly houses my ass.  Other than death-dealing wildfires and earthquakes, I would still choose to be here.  Much better for my liberal

Before I knew it was a Republican, I just knew it was a Republican.  If irony hadn’t been already killed I would say “how ironic.”  But nah.

And they turned themselves in.  They didn’t just make a run across the border.  Whatever they left behind must be worse or they wouldn’t take these chances.  Doesn’t that tell this admin anything?  Fools.

Or, never ever eating out again. She was chased out of a restaurant and I am okay with that. I am surprised that I am but I am so done with the awful, terrible, no-good cut throats in this admin. GOPs in general with all of their power grabs.  One of the Chief Justice out here in CA just dropped out of the GOP she

She needs to touch up her roots. I wonder if she sleeps well with all of her souless comments.

And words do matter.  Have you noticed that every Republican claims the Dems want “open borders” now.  That’s just not true.  Better and effective immigration laws, but still vetting for god’s sake.  Every time I hear that I talk out loud to an empty room with my ranting.  Scares my cat.

The only state to trump Alabama in miserableness is Mississippi. So I really feel bad for you. In CA the GOP got wiped out, but then they have been on the downhill slide since the 90s when they made some.very bad decisions and have never made a comeback. Which is great. Other than wildfires and earthquakes at

And while you’re at it, learn what a Venn diagram actually is before you stand in front of the press with a “fake one.”  Idiot.  Quit trying to prove something that isn’t even true before you draw those overlapping circles.

Shallow end of the gene pool, all of them. Ivanka’s $10,000 bracelet and Trump’s beautiful chocolate cake with 2 scoops of ice cream; the disconnect between that and the little girl at the border who just died from dehydration and starvation. A pox on all of their houses!

Every. Single. Time. there is some new deportation proposal I just know that Stephen Miller is behind it (now it’s Vietnam immigrants going back 20 years for god’s sake; haven’t we already fucked them up enough?). He doesn’t play nice OR sane so they can’t let him out very often. But I really hate that guy.

Ahhh... memories.  Loved my 45s and the B-sides.  And I had this funky just-right-size box to store them in.  

Hahahaha... a week later and it’s 2 am and I can’t sleep. And still, your comment made me bust out laughing. Shame on me. But “whaling ship”... good one.

Seriously clears the sinuses and part of the brain though.

Yes, their first order of business was to weaken the ethics rules until a majority of the nation hollered at them.  Showed the GOP’s true colors though to not even wait or be a little more subtle about their intentions.  Swampy, sleazy lack of values.