Michele Lea Morin

No accounting for taste, I guess.  Apparently she has a degree in design and architecture.

I have noticed over time an inordinate amount of news about the petty NC legislature. I think it was the “bathroom bill” that first caught my attention with their ridiculous are-you-serious comments. No way would that crap fly out here in CA. Such close-minded and mean-spirited people in the NC legislature.  Sad.

You want to investigate true voter fraud?  Look no further than the vote suppressors themselves, the GOP.

He’s a pearl clutcher from way back; he’s no progressive. Wah fucking wah, Seth.  Ya big baby.

As he stated, he hates not being in his own bed with his own routines. Poor baby.  His comfort zone is so small that he gets stressed very easily.  It leaves him Dazed and Confused.

Hahahaha... it goes without saying, right?  Besides, can’t enter Canada unless you have enough merit.  I rest my case.

So much for Trump’s rants against the disgraceful “west coast liberalism” that he perceives as running amuck.  Constitutional issues are not just a west coast phenomenon.

Yep, but at least Carman is entertaining.  This is almost as bad as when Trump refers to himself in the third person.  Disturbing.

I did the exact same thing this morning!  Ran down an answer to each bullshit sentence and said it out loud (and I live alone).  Not that I am ever surprised anymore.

Yep, since irony and satire have been largely killed off by the existing absurdity and bullshit in DC.  But I am pretty sure this is great sarcasm.  I am impressed.

Yes, the man has been virtually silent for the entire investigation.  Completely professional unlike that loudmouth in the WH.  So I have always believed that he knows far more than anyone imagines.  This is great.

Great analogy/metaphor.  His desperation is so easy to read in his Twitter comments.  

I’m not a big believer in coincidence, and I’m sure not starting with this.

Because the new and improved GOP neo-Confederate mind-think.

Since I hold grudges against people like Graham since his rant during Kavanaugh’s hearing, I call bullshit. When did he get so smug and self-righteous; okay, when did he become a total asshole?  What won’t he do to keep GOP power since he accused the Dems of doing anything to get power.  Jerk.

I agree and the only way to prove this to him is to spray it in his eyes.  Idiot.

He simply rarely knows what he is actually talking about so he just starts riffing.

And you never want this stuff in your eyes.  Very disabling.  I used to work in ophthalmology and it isn’t pretty.

Almost, but no.  And no you cannot or should not eat the pepper spray on your nachos.  What the fuck is wrong with these people and this kind of bullshit?  Purely rhetorical question.

OMG!  This can so easily disputed by the FACTS.  As long as he can stir up his base I guess because nobody else is this stupid.