what is this medication?
what is this medication?
I can't see Flying Dickman on the GGJ site. Bummer :D
And have invisible walls on four edges? Yeah...that would be sweeeeeeet.
The everything the same color no-no can be achieved with food coloring. Silly, I know, but once my husband complained about a bland looking dinner, I turned the mashed potatoes into purple fluff.
Came to make a comment about the superior Wii version. Wasn't let down by the comments already posted.
If there is anything more despicable and cowardly than this...grown men too pussy to go to their own deaths they have to send a baby to do their mass murder for them. I fucking hope there's a god and I fucking hope there's a hell and I fucking hope they burn in it forever
when I was in 3rd grade I had a very Catholic teacher who was a monk and everything. Like I went to Catholic school my whole life and this guy was truly one of a kind.
Despite the fact that I have 2 older siblings, the older of which is 6 years older than me, it was kind of a gradual thing. No one really told me. Eventually I just grew out of believing it.
Your dad sounds phenomenal.
So, about 15 years ago, it's xmas eve, like now, except I lived in a low-middle class apartment complex. My boyfriend at the time was heading back to VA to spend the holiday with his young brother. I walk him out to his car, we kiss good-bye and he leaves. This kid, maybe 9 or 10, is standing, awestruck across the…
I too was an immigrant. We left iran when I was 5 and started School here. Christmas time comes around and everyone is excited and school is making us do things like write about what we want from Santa. I had never heard of this Santa before and had rationalized that he didn't come before you started school or…
you shut your whore mouth.
ugh no you are the fucking idiot moron
You're good people.
When I was in college, my roommate and I went to some Halloween party with a girl from our dorm. The next morning, she comes walking up to the common area still in her eighties-prom outfit. We asked her where she ended up staying the night...she lifts up her dress to reveal her yellow thighs and says "Bart Simpson…
This only adds one more thing for the kids to get in trouble for. Doesn't work at all.
As I've noted in my ongoing coverage of this perplexing facet of Shadow of Mordor's nemesis system, the prospect of enemies that can't actually be killed shifts from "irritating" to "disturbing" once you encounter an orc like the one the player is describing here. He's the enemy who's so difficult to kill in the first…
"We're actually going to add this really weird content in this game, but women still would have been too hard to animate"
When did this movie become Citizen Kane? I feel like it's been everywhere this month (my Facebook newsfeed in-particular) and I don't recall it being this popular before.