
Are they actually going to prosecute them though? Every year thousands of convicted felons try to buy guns (which is a crime) and are denied when the background check goes through but only a handful of them are ever convicted of it.

Anyone who has spent time in San Francisco may recognize this one:

Oberyn Martell lived fast, died young, and left a good looking Red Viper to his heirs.

Everyone was in mourning when King Joffrey’s body was driven to his final resting place in a Toyota Crown hearse.

Now playing

It won’t stop them. It’ll either change where they race or what they race.

Now playing

I think they showed restraint by not shooting him. After all, he was coming right for them.

You can pay for utilities if you are living in a house, even if you aren’t the legal owner. The utility companies don’t care if you’re the owner or not (many renters pay utilities). They just want someone to pay the bills. In some cases if a squatter is paying utilities and taxes and the legal owner isn’t that can

But in the meantime maybe you’re better off in a low sports car for these types of accidents.

I keep a fuzzy steering wheel cover. It keeps the steering wheel from being too hot in the summer or too cold in the winter.

Don’t forget that many pickups, vans, and commercial vehicles also use V8's. I would think that Los Angeles would certainly be a contender since it is a big city with a lot of money and a much worse public transportation system than New York. They have plenty of luxury and sports cars as fleets of trucks, vans, and

You are a lucky person. I’m trying to seriously considering getting one as well before they are all gone.


They got that vehicle because they wanted a vehicle that was lighter and faster than a tank but was very capable off-road. And that is exactly what they received. Unfortunately they were very prone to IED’s so they started adding armor to it. All of that armor weighs the vehicle down significantly more than it was

Sometimes they are appropriate though..

Thanks, I already have joined (with a different handle).

If they want to make a vehicle like that, fine. Just don’t call it an FJ.