
I have to admit that I was thinking of waiting for the FT-4X to be introduced, but I found a really good deal on a very low mileage FJ Cruiser (still under warranty too) so I bit the bullet. After seeing these images I’m glad that I did. 

They may not be much to look at but I have found Brooks Addiction Walkers to be among the most comfortable shoes for people with wide feet. While they aren’t exactly dress shoes they are dressy enough that I have worn them with a suit when needed.


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You can build a decent silencer for as little as $20 worth of parts that are available at any hardware store. Criminals who want them won’t bother to try and pass a background check. They’ll just build them or buy them on the black market from someone else who builds them. The main reasons why they aren’t used in

Indeed. I had a childhood crush on her. I saw her in Wasabi, which was made 20 years later, and she still looked great.

I love that! Especially the one with the trailer. I’d add fins and a paint job to make it look even more like a shuttle.

No, I wouldn’t. It’s a fine car, but BMW is the brand I look to for a fun to drive engaging vehicle. The 740i is a fine luxury car, but having driven one I can tell you that it handles like a yacht compared to the 5-series.

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Meanwhile my mother is still upset with me for buying an FJ Cruiser instead of something “more practical”

I actually ask for a plate that isn’t warm when I order prime rib or thinner steaks. I like my red meat to be on the border of rare and medium rare and warm plates can cook the meat beyond what I prefer.

One time I was driving a Ford Crown Victoria pretty fast (about 15 over in city streets). I was new to the area and didn’t realize at the time that I was driving towards a police station. When I was just a few blocks from the police station I raised my right hand to adjust my sunglasses and saw a police cruiser

Elon Musk truly is a James Bond villain.

I would buy one of these in an instant if they made something even remotely close to this and managed to keep the cost down. I’ve been looking at the Quigley conversions for a while now.

Wait a minute, Trump wore a tie that didn’t have his name on it?!?!?!?!?! The guy has his own line of ties and loves to put his name on everything. Was he not wearing a tie from someone else’s clothing line?

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Well, maybe if you live in Montana you have to worry about those things...

I used to be able to work from home 3 days a week, as well as when there was bad weather. That is one perk that I truly miss.

Another thing that I do is to keep the rooms you’re in warmer than the rest of the house. This can either be done with zone heating or with a portable space heater. I know someone who uses the top floor of their house for storage and covers the top of the stairwell with a piece of plywood that has insulation

Damn, I still want one of these.