
I went to the most expensive non-boarding private school in my state, so there were some kids there who came from money. Close to half of the cars were luxury cars (lots of Cadillacs, Mercedes, & BMW’s, and usually about 5-15 years old). The rest of the cars in the lot were beaters. A couple of the memorable cars

I test drove a Tesla model S and I was not impressed with the interior at all. Pretty much any entry level German luxury car had a much more refined interior at a third the price. I’m not going to sell a kidney to buy a Tesla until they improve their interiors. I also wasn’t a fan of the regenerative braking or the

If that’s going to replace the Commodore it better have a V8 option.

Not in every case...

It’s no longer in production, but the FJ Cruiser had a blind spot large enough to hide the original FJ40 in.

This election year is already full of shit. At least they didn’t dump it on a boat full of people, like the Dave Matthews Band tour bus.

He might have taken these girls for a higher amount of property, but there’s a guy in China who was dating 17 girls at the same time and getting them to pay for his lifestyle too.

I’m seeing a sign that says: “Women for rum”. I don’t have any problems with that.

I’d like to see someone drive a Marauder down that street...

I test drove a Genesis Coupe 3.8, which had almost 350 hp. Somehow it didn’t feel as blisteringly fast as I had hoped, but it was a very fun car to drive, especially for the price.

I stay up until I have arrived at my destination and it is night time there. That may mean staying up for 36 hours and sleeping for 10 hours once I get there, but it works better than anything else I’ve tried. It’s much easier now than it used to be since overseas flights now have personal screens so you can watch

These guys are weekend warriors not Navy Seal snipers.

Semiautomatic? If you’re in Texas and you can afford to hunt from a helicopter you can also afford to hunt with a full auto rifle (since civilians can only purchase ones that were registered before 1986 they can often cost as much as a new car).

Now playing

Hog hunting in helicopters with machine guns is totally a thing in Texas

It’s also a good idea to turn the temperature settings for both to the coldest setting possible.

Now playing

People really need to stop trying to do what they see in the movies.

They are usually a very high energy dog. I’m kind of lucky in a way though. Mine is usually either on or off. When I’m sleeping, watching tv, or doing things at my desk he is usually content to lay down as close to me as possible. When I come home or someone comes over or he sees or hears something outside then he

I love it. Probably not the price tag though.

He is a Belgian Malinois.