Captain Bats

Have you tried turning it off then back on again?

Holy Strawman

No need to get defensive snowflake, I can decide if I didn't like the episode and post a useless comment without investing another 3 hours to the lead-up.

After giving up on Walking Dead in Season 3, sat down and watched this with the roommate. Super boring and repetitive (the same reason I gave up on the comic after having enough of reading the same plotline with different characters).

It might be. I would have said C. I'm glad it's back but I can see how this episode would have been graded lower if it just followed the last one a week later.

Well, not *that* far.

"We can go toe-to-toe on Bird Law…filibuster."

But he was super considerate, telling him he'd re-evaluate in six months, and asking if Jimmy wanted the door open or closed.

was that the same parking deck that walt planted the bomb under fring's car?

damn, i hadn't considered that angle at all. that'd be daaark

Oliver + Ilana was fucking hilarious. Little man was really well-written and well-acted. "No you bobo, my mom's stuff is fancy as fuck!", that whole scene just killed me.

"Literally zero?" You may want to watch the part at the end of each show that has the little disclaimer that production has input into decisions. So producers very literally have input on who goes forward.

The world really doesn't need any more Katsuji and his "i'm so wacky" attention-whoring schtick.

Production people and editing, how do they work?

Well, if so, maybe he needed two. "Melted chocolate in a bowl" is not the caliber of work I'd expected of Doug.

It would be nice to have a reviewer who knows how to cook, and who has used ingredients that their parents didn't use, or has maybe been to a non-supermarket. To call these "batshit insane", especially huitlacoche, is just so batshit ignorant. You know what mushrooms are, I hope. Fungus grows on and around things,

If my younger adult sibling couldn't cut vegetables, was the family favorite, and you were dependent on him to move on in the biggest thing in your life, AND he just laughed his way through it like a dumbass, I'd be pissed too and treat him like the crap that he is. He just seemed so dumb and out of his element.

I can't use a pressure cooker! How does the lid work?? In every single season…

"I want to bang Gail," said every straight male ever.

"I've been dreading this, but didn't do anything about it at all. Chefs shouldn't know how to cook sweet things in a cooking competition."