National Geographic.
National Geographic.
Half of me agrees with you, but the other half is offended.
"Political correctness bad!" statements are a reliable litmus test for identifying assholes.
ur life sounds rly hard
Yeah, I think we're probably to a point where we could retire the word "tomboy" altogether.
In my elementary school they made us all watch this video of some kids being taught basic stranger safety and then immediately being easily lured into strangers' cars in a setup. That way their parents could be like WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU. It was probably just some episode of Dateline, but 6 year old me found it pretty…
No wonder this kid is so nice. He wants to be kidnapped by someone other than his family. Blink twice kid if you need help.
Wow. Vanity Fair is totally sex-shaming Mr. Boa for his neck fetish. #FreeMrBoa #NoMoreBox #YesMoreNecks
I know all you guys already know this, but it bears repeating. the vast majority of terminations that take place after 20 weeks are due to severe medical issues. Most women aren't just fucking around for 5 months making up their minds. The anatomy scan ultrasound that can determine whether the fetus is healthy, or…
My beautiful toddler threw up for the first time last week (stay with me, here). It was late at night and we heard her coughing... went to check on her, saw the mess, cleaned her up, change of clothes, all that.
The stages this went through, too. First the parent came up with it, presumably while tanked with her sister. Then maybe the presented to grandma, who was like SOLID IDEA LADIES. AND THEN they went to a co-worker who ALSO THOUGHT IT WAS A GOOD IDEA.
These fucking people. The overwhelming majority of kids who go missing are abducted by family members, particularly non-custodial parents. But great job steering into the skid on those stats and teaching your kid that they can't trust anyone, especially the people they are supposed to be able to trust the most.
There is no way these people are Arrested Development fans. Come on!
Every time a story like this comes up, I think about how difficult it can be for potentially amazing parents to adopt. And how seemingly easy it is for assholes to procreate.
I like Demi Lovato. I do.
But they do it in that way. You know...that way
It's really stupid.
Really admire Demi's courage in coming out as proud to have an invisible BFF, giving 5 year olds everywhere someone they can really look up to