The whole reason people have a problem with her is because she did not, in fact, fire the guy.
The whole reason people have a problem with her is because she did not, in fact, fire the guy.
WTF? She fired (?) him sometime between TODAY and the writing of her show’s most recent episode. Kurt has been harassing women online since at least THREE YEARS AGO. Why shouldn’t people question her about why he remained in her employ for so long?
she’s known who he was for years. He’s been attacking women non-stop for years. Since at least 2013. She knows him, she put up with it, she was questioned many, many times about it. She appeased him until he went so far it made national news. They’re both assholes. You do not do that if you support women.
Ummm, no. Amy stuck up for this absolute piece of shit for 3 full years. He’s been attacking women and feminists on Twitter and their blogs since 2013 (seriously, entire articles are out there on what an unhinged psycho this asshole is). He’s verbally violent and has admitted to hitting his ex-girlfriend. Add that to…
Seriously. Metzger was on @Midnight in the past week. Let’s shit on Chris Hardwick while we’re at it.
But hasn’t this guy been problematic for years? I mean, if this comment came out of the blue, sure, I could see there being issues (though I wonder if CC has Disney-like terms in their contracts of “if you make us look bad you’re fired”), but from the last article it sounds like this is what he does and has always…
Caster Semenya is not XX. She has a Y chromosome and undescended testicles that are pumping out testosterone. That’s the whole fucking point of the debate, yet it appears nowhere in this article.
Brief reminder here to Ms. Omarosa that her favored candidate is currently receiving a miserable 1.5% support among black voters, putting him behind Hillary Clinton, Gary Johnson, and Jill Stein.
Well, that’s what she stated. The DA’s office is saying that’s not true.
This is Darren Rovell levels of comparing numbers. Congrats.
Shot Diva coverage???? First american woman gold medal shot put. This is a sports site. not just a place to suck up to swimmers, correct?
It can’t be Cake, because he’s definitely not going the distance.
Batter up.
Big Beautiful Centaur
Not a fan of either the Cubs or Cards and as a fan of the game I actually wanted to see the Cubs finally win a championship. Not anymore. Really hoping the team flames out again. Can't decide if a sweep or a Game 7 loss will be sweeter.
Don’t know what pisses me off more about that Case Keenum clip: The complete lack of a fuck to give by the Rams’ coaching staff or the way those announcers brushed the whole thing off.
This entire offense is Gurley or nothing, and it’ll be for the next five years.