
Yeah, the circumstance was basically that the property managers refused to actually talk to the landlord... when I contacted him directly he paid for the trapping, and was very reasonable and civil.

Ok, as a tenant who dealt with property managers who probably thought I was *that person* sometimes the terms just dont make sense and will hurt the property owner in the long run. IMO, it the property managers job to realize when those instances exist, and mediate them.

If by similar you mean the dullest characters in the entire GOT universe, yes they are similar.

(I also replied to your last comment RE: Hating Dany) BUT

Ugh, dude, I dont want to be that person, but i have HAAAAAATED Dany since the books, she is so fucking about herself in the most clueless way possible.

Are you me? I’m fairly certain I have photos of me in that *exact* outfit/hairstyle, not exaggerating.

For the record, I think the people here saying benadryl doesnt make you sleepy are not doubting the victim’s story... theyre doubting that’s the drug he gave her. I think.

This is largely unrelated, but is something I am working through right now. I was just talking to a friend about the “disdain for the wealthy” we have in this country, and how its bad because it causes wealthy people to convince themselves they are not wealthy. I did it for a long time, and it wasnt until my dad told

Having not read the book, i’m curious what the changes were... will you expand a little more?

ALSO - not sure if you’re into that kind of thing, but theres a wrestling reality show that I have gotten into with the BF, and is totally fun to learn about the different characters and such

Hah! The BF recently moved cities and he is watching wrestlemania, which I am kind of sad to miss, but also kind of happy he’s not here so I can watch Big Little Lies, Girls, and Last week Tonight peacefully.

Pro-tip - there is no reason to have HBOGO; HBOnow is less expensive (by like $2/month), and the shows are posted immediately :)

I think his music has just gotten better... he was making annoying ass croony pop 5-6 years ago... his more recent music legitimately good, more mature, etc.

Also - are we delineating between poor and in poverty? Because it seems like the only way you can consider yourself poor in this thread is if you were truly impoverished. I’m pretty sure many people fall somewhere between middle class and the poverty line.

I have this convo on this site far too often. I am smack in the middle of the millennials (1990) and I did literally every thing you mentioned, too. In fact, I think a lot of the things you mention are experiences that unite millennials as a generation. We grew up in the midst of a technological revolution, and

YES! I WAS LOOKING FOR THIS! Such amazing stuff. I’ve been buying it for years and I luuuurve it.

I think that twitter was/is run by her daughter?

I feel like we don’t say that men have aged well, but I have definitely noted when men do NOT age well. I don’t know what the distinction is, but I have definitely looked at male celebrities and gone “What the hell happened to him!?” Oh yeah, time.

Yesss.... i get that knees hurt. My dad is 6'5" and always had his legs sticking out in the aisle. I get it. But your back/neck being fucked up is also a big deal for a lot of people! 90 degree angles and weird ass head rests are also potentially pain inducing! Live and let live people. No one is trying to be an

I just don’t get this. I am also 5'8" with long legs, and I always feel like the axis of rotation is not low enough to affect my knees. Sure, theres no room to slouch, but if I also recline, I do not need to slouch because I’m not sitting a friggin 90 degree angle.