
Fun fact of the day: you cant really inherit straight teeth. The way your teeth end up aligned has TONS of genetically influenced factors, from the shape/size of your jaw, to the size of your teeth. Simplified, a person might get mom’s big teeth, and dad’s small jaw, and be out of luck.

I mean sure, but avocado technically also comes from a word meaning testicles and I don’t think of avocados being male gendered fruits ;)

I automatically thought Dr. Orchid would be a woman, because of the “Orchid” part... which I guess is also stupidly gendered because why can’t a dude be a pretty flower ;)

Throwing this out there because I want people’s opinions.

LOL. EXACTLY what I thought when I read that.

A lot of those shows give the homeowners *something* for participating. Like I remember seeing something on Property Brothers about how the participants get ~$10,000 towards their reno.

You are being intentionally dense... I support these women whole-heartedly, but the context 100% suggests they were using a raised fist as a symbol of black solidarity.

I get my American news from the BBC.

Interesting! I was told the line thing by a barista once when I asked why light ice seemed to always be veeeeery similar to normal ice.. Maybe she just did it that way on her own, or made it up just to tell me something hah.

Yeah, it doesnt really though. If you look at their cups, there are three lines. The highest one is slightly more than half way up up the cup and is where they fill to normally. The bottom one, still about halfway up the cup, just like an inch lower, is where they fill to when you ask for “light” ice. You still get a

I was wondering the same thing!

Yeah, ladies nights are illegal in CA for this reason.

Right? The whole time watching it I thought she was more talking about like the black woman experience than her own necessarily, especially since shes is soooo meticulously private about her life.

I am a CA —> TX transplant and I miss my tapatio :( :( I also miss my CA mexican food something fierce.

DUDE, United is the WORST. I’ve missed entire days of multiple trips because of them. I suspect my good luck with SW is that I almost always am flying between southern CA and TX, neither of which are prone to super bad weather (I say as Houston is currently experiencing like a 500 year flood or something, hah). But

I will basically choose southwest over any other airline if possible. They are pretty much always on time (in my experience), my flights never get canceled, I don’t have to pay to check my bags, they don’t charge you stupid amounts on top of the original ticket price for “premium seats,” the list goes on and on.

San Diego Safari Park and California Condors.

Ok, so do you remember that article ages ago where some magazine had an article about how white women could get afros? Is that appropriaton? Because Jez said so.... all the commenters said so. The commenters even all agreed that “jew-fro” was offensive. I get WHY people think that white people wearing traditionally

OK, what about all the people here on jez that claim the Kardashians appropriate black culture? What is sacred about big hoop earrings and tracksuits? I’m not trying to troll. I often hear the “sacred item” argument but feel like people do apply “cultural appropriation” to anything that is crossing cultures/races.

Yeah, I used to enjoy those conversations, because I would usually have them once with a person, and it’s a fun insight into who they are a little bit. I’ve probably had a conversation with every one of my girlfriends about SOMETHING to do with their future wedding or ring or whatever. But this is like... I’ve had 3