
I know its not popular to say this, but I think men who choose to be very involved in their family do take a hit, career wise. My parents divorced when I was very young, and they shared custody 50/50. My dad was an associate attorney at the time and was “daddy-tracked” when it was apparent he was leaving at 4:00 to

I think the point is that the VAST majority of women already know this. They don’t need busybodies telling them so.

Flip flop! If you dislike scrubs what kind of human being are you o_O

Interesting! That is indeed how we are being trained. It is also dependent on the patient, however. Nothing in medicine is cut and dry.

Yeah, Im gonna reiterate what I said to a couple other people:

Yeah, it is not the most accurate assessment of health, I know that, every health provider knows that. However, combined with waist circumference, gives you a decent place to start from. No one uses it as an end all be all method of diagnosis. Maybe they did 10 years ago, but everyone pretty much agrees it is a metric

Yeah, I went back and looked at some of her posts where she posts pictures of herself. Does she look obese in her pictures? No. Does she have a little extra chunk that could classify her as overweight? Yes.

Yeah, I was just getting super frustrated because Jez is supposed to be a place where we accept people for who they are no matter what they look like, and we, as feminists, allow women to define themselves as they wish. And then a bunch of people hound this woman who has accepted her own body which doesn’t fit the

I don’t get people. Her measurements indicate she is, in fact, overweight. What does fat mean if it doesn’t mean overweight? Do you have to be obese to consider yourself fat? What is in between normal and obese? There is something. It is called overweight, and it seems to me to be valid to call yourself fat if you are

I’m not saying being fat doesn’t come with some real shit. I know it does. But her “fatness” does not exist inside her own head when by objective definitions, she is overweight. Her “fatness” is not inside her own head, just because you think your fatness is worse.

The world where she’s 5’1”. Someone who’s 5’6” and a size 6 - not overweight. Someone who’s 5’1”........ probably is.

Nah, sorry. I’ve commented this before, because i feel like people use the argument that BMI is bullshit for a small portion of the population to ignore the fact that it works for most people. It is bullshit for people who are packed with muscle (athletes, body builders). This is why the medical community is now using

Ah yes - the woman is supposed to know the size of every stranger on the internet she has not and cannot see.

Size 6 is relative. Size 6 on a 5’1” person, when she tells you a height and weight that give her a BMI in the overweight range is literally, clinically/medically overweight. Yall people who are upset because she is less fat than you are ridiculous. Congraaaats there are somewhat overweight, really overweight, obese,

Godddd people. Overweight clinically, medically = fat. That is literally the true sense of the word. Random people’s perception is the true sense of the word? No. That makes no sense.

OK, BMI is a bad indicator of health... when you are like a super muscular athlete or body builder. I think we can all agree most people know whether they fall into the category of “BMI as an indicator of health does not apply to me,” or “BMI as an indicator of health does apply to me.” The way I’ve seen BMI applied

Yeah, I am definitely not fat, but like you say - having wide hips and the like can certainly make you feel fat. I grew up with most of my friends being itty bitty asian girls with narrow hips. You can bet I felt (and still feel) my hips are fat even if the numbers say otherwise.

My boyfriend and I were recently discussing how long it would take for assisted suicide to become law nationwide. I say within the next 20 years, he is less optimistic. As the baby boomers watch their parents die needlessly painful deaths, they will see their own deaths ahead of them and legislate the shit out of this

“Yes/No: That’s... kinda weird?”