
So, men are from Mars, after all, and women from Venus?

and you were not disappointed: What have toilet paper and Starship Enterprise have in common? (but you already knew that:-P)

try again, this time with more tongue.

that looks an awful lot like Uma Thurman there, in the shell. And the movie is Münchhausen, right?

.81% (s)he wrote, not 1/8th. Which basically means 1 / 120th. Unless the dot just slipped in there...

see, you just have to wait and see, eventually all stuff appears on Kinja.

The whole point of science is that you actually cannot (and should not) believe in it.

indeed. Care to visit the concert I am playing at on Saturday?

indeed. Care to visit the concert I am playing at on Saturday?

Call me back if it is waterproof. I don’t give a flying f..k about any dying car batteries. But having a buffering battery on my bike that is between my electronics and the hub dynamo and could play bike light in its spare time, that would be pretty cool. Of course, including through-charging, because what use would

Call me back if it is waterproof. I don’t give a flying f..k about any dying car batteries. But having a buffering

I exchanged the tire levers for metal ones and some of the bits. The bits have a tendency to fall out, but apart from that, it is very light and useful. If I would buy it again, I would take the RatchetRocket RX, that comes out of the box with aluminium tire levers and has a lid on the bits. Plus it is 30 g lighter.

made-up creatures can battle with other made-up creatures has been the basic premise of religions ever since gullibility was invented and, since the stock market is basically a sublimation of makebelieve, it makes only sense that Nintendo’s stock price reflects that.

yeah, I also came here to get some flamingo-baby-pr0n and was disappointed

A fat man is fat. And all fat people deserve to die, so pushing would be ok, right? (same as the hipster comment, actually)

No oil means Team America won’t give a shit about LIberia.

Hang on, I thought “think-tank” was referring to an entity where people come together and, well, think. Putting the label on an individual might not be correct. I would rather write “member of a think-tank”. It’s two words more.

Luis Pasteur find (sic) that out?? Because Luis Pasteur certainly is the most advanced chemist in the world, right? Luis Pasteur’s concept of proteins was, measured with what we know today, very fuzzy at best, what with chromatography, Quantum tunneling microscopes and shit today. And, btw., those proteins Pasteur

at least it was family. Which is so much better than the public, right?

Access to photos by facebook should be turned off by default!

Job interviews and sexytime. Anything else I find too invading. I like the freedom that chat gives me to answer when I damn well please and to think my answers through before shooting them out.