
Twitter is like Flash: it just won’t die. It started with the half-dead premise that 160 characters is enough to rule the world and has added little to improve that situation. Maybe (hopefully) the world finally has moved beyond those limitations. Although Trump’s election platform is still a perfect fit for that

who is the lady in the topmost picture? If I am having a new crush, I would at least need a name:-D

yeah, when I watched the 5 minutes thing on pornhub (apart from the titling overlay that completely ruined the sexperience) and which I guess you label as “straight” sex (presumably not to indicate non-gay sex, but to indicate sex without the hoverboard, would be my interpretation) it lost a lot of that unique, almost

btw, there is a 5-minute version on pornhub, just search for hoverboard and scroll.

this riding the hoverboards back and forth to connect and disconnect looks more like ballet and the entire scene more like a parody. I watched the trailer solely for research purposes, of course.

I guess it is due to the fairydust on which the iPhones run that this only works with an iPhone and no other mobile phone or action- / digicam?

20-30 miles one way? 50 miles a day? 300+ miles a week? Humidity? Imagine the great shape you would be in!

and then, to think that cycling and the Netherlands is a thing more recent than most people would have guessed... According to an article I recently read (and don’t remember where) it got started in the 1970s. Wikipedia backs me up there, though;-)

Still, I think there is quite a ways to go. On one of my last jobs in The Hague, Netherlands, they had, right next to their underground car garage, a garage for bicycles (space for around 400 bikes, in my estimate, and usually pretty full), showers, bathrooms, hairdryers, lockers, drying racks, video surveillance,

oK, so then we delegate the question to those fields of science, engineering and piloting. But at least, we are in agreement that those fields make a whole lot more sense than, say, being a housewife, cooking or nursing or primary school teaching, right? For, as useful as primary school teachers are down here on the

you mean, the gender ratio in space has improved in favour of women since the 50s? Then huffpost has their numbers wrong, according to this article it’s 57:534 (guess which one is the lower number;-) ).

I was expecting a pancaked car in the end as a money shot. I am disappoint.

So, men get asked if they missed watching football every given Sunday and nobody gives a shit. Isn’t that bias? Men and women are different, big deal. Women tend to use more makeup than men and it is important to a gigantic part of the female population, same as high heels and other stupid contraptions, so, bias? I’d

I am a night owl and I get depressed and burned-out for days when I have to get up early just once, so that makes one positive to support your hypothesis in a study of one.

I am not sure that was meant with early risers.

What about “Horny Coeds” 1 through 139? Why does that not appear in the list?

I would have appreciated a maybe in the beginning of the title and an in some places a little bit later to do the source justice, anything else is pure sensationalism.

I would have thought that the vocabulary of a Trump-language would be a loan from the seagulls in Finding Nemo: “mine! mine! mine!”. Everything else is just syntactical sugar.

Finally I can tie my quantum-shoelaces!
