
The very definition of nimby. I bet their mayor’s first name is Stew, and he’s a paternal first-degree-relative of Brad Pitt.

When (and if) you manage to pull your head out of the sand (or elsewhere the sun don’t shine) go and tell that to the people who live in the Sahara (fyi: that’s a little patch of arid land somewhere in Africa that didn’t have any water problems a couple of million years ago), because that’s where California is headed

She is flexing. In that position, you can also see my ribs (minus the boobage) and I am certainly not skeletal.


First time I realized that fleshbot is not part of gawker anymore.

So, let’s hope it will still be a secret after you posted it here in Jizzmodo. Maybe enough info to cross-reference...

You lost me at “199”. I didn’t even check for the currency.

hope you made it to the bathroom in time?

I should think that, if one of those quick release levers opens up, you are having all kinds of problems, but it’s good to see that at least one will be taken care of. Now, to the more interesting question: Why would the skewer open up? Yes, I know, you wrote it’s not tightened enough and all that, but isn’t that the

You forgot the part with the musculovenous pumping, thus missing my point entirely.

I want my lollipop!

I am still miffed that the internet has not picked up my Android Trojan©...

Because the heart isn’t up to performing this task efficiently, it relies in part on muscle contractions that occur when you walk and move about” - ummm - no. You are confusing cause and effect. Because over the course of evolution, standing still was not such a frequent occurrence, what with big toothy animals

Yeah, some words of reaffirmation would be appreciated like “you have been unsubscribed...”

wow, I am surprised by my astuteness

Thanks for the iOS screenshot, but some people still don’t have an iDevice and work on their MacOS devices. So, when I go to iTunes, manage my subscriptions, I see this. Where is the unsubscribe-button? Or did I already unsubscribe?

Panasonic DMC FT5. Tough as nails, great video and stills. Goes everywhere with me, including the pool and on bike tours.

Panasonic DMC FT5. Tough as nails, great video and stills. Goes everywhere with me, including the pool and on bike

supposing that you don’t botch it, of course

Been done already, just not with Mila Kunis. However, Tatiana Maslany is far, far sexier and badassier at the same time.

Every. Single. F...ing. Time. Bummer that he can’t be running a third time.