
Is increased PARP14 confirmed for all kinds of cancer, or only for some?

“The reasons for holding out on getting a smartwatch are steadily disappearing” - first one to be out with a waterproof Android wear (full Android preferred, but, heck...) gets my money.

will that work in my MacBook Air?

I think Sherman’s point was not so much a valuation of which problem is worse, but a nod towards things the black community can improve by themselves, which is the black-on-black-crime, and things that have to be solved more on a level of society as a whole, and calling attention to the fact that, if you concentrate

Ummm, we need a clearer definition of what a smartwatch is. If this thing is a smartwatch, my G-Shock and Suunto Core also qualify.

should have read until your comment, would have saved mine. Damn, now I am on all kinds of shitlists.

No, and it’s more fun if what was intended to end up below the belt actually lands in the face because he is ducking.

You might want to look at Israel before you look at Saudi Arabia.

so, I shall be lucky with my resting heart rate around 38 bpm?

Evolution is never about survival of the fittest, just about survival of the luckiest. As in: how much can you suck and still get away with it? This is very punk.

I know somebody else who did that in a movie...

Just reading the title, my answer would be “because you don’t have a life?”. oK, that’s a question and, technically, answering a question with a question is not an answer but then, it wasn’t really a question, right?

I am missing the frayed cable part. My last two MacBook / MBA chargers were suffering from this, aka my current one is still suffering. And I am hoping that zolt finally gets its act together before the bloody thing bites the dust. Plus, the Apple shop is a real bitch about those cables. It’s like they are saying

“It’s like a weirdly familiar character actor that you see everywhere” - the Kevin Bacon of cities, so to say?

I wish I could star this comment more than once. Like a bazillion times.

This is all nice and well, but even if everybody is ignoring physical traits in the mating process and just going for the intangibles, they are still discriminating. Discriminating for stupidity, discriminating for worldliness, experience yadayadayada. So, please remind me, why do I have to feel bad about

that’s the beauty and fun of naysaying: you don’t have to.

damnit, beat me to it. But my post has more boobage.

+1 internet for you

Oh noes, that’s how it starts!