
“The iPhone 5S, however...” 5S?

“I had it in my pocket as I ran up the stairs to catch the soon-to-depart train” and it couldn’t have, you know, just slipped out of your pants-(I assume)pocket while you where running up the stairs? Running is a bit of a bumpy / wiggly business for a phone located in close proximity to the body parts that are in

“that lets you take video ... while you take a picture” - or, in other words, Apple has invented the thumbnail? Whoohooo!

“Advisors”? You mean, the voices in his head? The little people that come talk to him when he is about to lay down a big one?

Now, if it would run full OS X, that would make it interesting. But i[diot]OS? No, thank you.

ok, why not give customers the choice and see how that works out?

thanks. So Sony priced themselves out of the ballpark? Well, there is always waiting. I’d say come March, they’ll be 30% lower on Amazon.

you are.

IP 6/7 is one step in the right direction.

um, maybe because the reviewer mentions Skype? And because on some screens (amongst them my trusty X10 mini) the buttons were outside of the screen and I was unable to press them to answer a call? I don’t know what with more recent updates, since I have not used my X10 mini in two years, but it used to be a problem.


“code”? So you analyzed somebody else’s source code and came up with those interpretations within a matter of days? Damn, you’re good!

ah, oK, so this article is about the second parts that are already out there. Phew, dodged that bullet!

Oh noes! I am currently dragging myself through the second season of Twin Peaks on Netflix and, while the first was a real eye-opener, the second is completely listless.

“You have Matt Schaub now. Enjoy”. Now you’re just being plain mean. New depths being sunk to.

yup, thus my parenthetical “(here’s to hoping)“;-)

Nice job by Will Smith emulating an African accent. I was just thinking of making a snide comment of how Mr. Smith wants to get more into the character genre, but then I remembered he has a couple of excellent (imho) performances under his belt already (Jellyfish, anybody?).


A lens that sticks out is not necessarily an indicator.