Just wondering how the article would have sounded if the person in question was a 65 year-old widow. Or if there would have been an article at all.
Just wondering how the article would have sounded if the person in question was a 65 year-old widow. Or if there would have been an article at all.
good luck then with your next pneumonia. Oh, sorry, didn't realize you were just trolling...
Ummm, so, something that does not have anything to do with male patriarchal dominance helps women to be more assertive? I am confused...
Maybe low female assertiveness does not have anything to do with male dominant suppression? oK, I am getting a bit ahead of myself on that one...
Terrorists, downtime? I find this unacceptable. If somebody is out to kill me, at least they should have the decency of working their arse off! I'm not that easy. (I probably am, but no need to rub my nose in it)
Oh, I do indeed feel bad sometimes, but mostly not when told to.
So, crossing the street on foot in LA is a punishable offence now? Or is it just being on foot? Please do clarify.
Umm, I am confused: Is this Karl Lagerfeld's fault, or are the women doing this to themselves? And aren't they supposed to be doing with their bodies whatever they bloody well please? Like: if being thin tickles their fancy, they don't have to be fat? Or is being fat the new way to protest against the male chauvinist…
So, let's make the tech industry take Note (sorry for the pun...). One of my problems for voting with my bucks is that, as long as I don't have anything technologically top-of-the-line that's as rugged (mucho important for me) and similar in size to the Xperia Go, I will keep hanging onto my old phones, so I actually…
Oh yeah, the tech industry is sexist. They are deliberately building phones for men only. So, why do I keep seeing mostly women touting Galaxy Notes in the bus, on the train, in public spaces? The tech industry is gender-agnostic. They are just interested in selling you stuff. You want smaller phones, you go buy…
Would this have been the one moment in your life, where a pocket bazooka would have come in handy?
Now, before I go on with the story, I should make one quick disclaimer: I really liked Jerry Hardcastle, and I don't want to get him in trouble. He told me that most of this story is okay to tell, but he'd prefer some details not be known. The problem is, I can't exactly recall which details he meant. Ummm, how about…
oh yeah, we had the same thing once when we, as a group of Biology grad students, went on an excursion and during that one day out, went in different groups of 4-5 people, on fishing trawlers. About 30% of all students, including me, became sick and I am pretty sure that it was something to do with the food we ate the…
What was the big deal with the last one? He made it look pretty easy.
Well, yeah, just realized it, now that you mention it. Thanks to Gawker for quoting the occasional old article in their side- and topbars. So, I take it, you haven't progressed much so far on the phone number issue?
Maybe you should remember asking Glass to make her want to call you?
I can sort of seeing the appeal of having that person wearing Glass in the shower. Although, she'll probably just look at her feet every now and then... But maybe breastesses will be in the way, you never know. Anyway, zero gravity certainly pales in comparison.
No list of the worst planes is complete without it. Sorry for the shitty quality, I woulda thunk that there were bazillions of this available, but no. Just some in German.
26: Who the fuck are Drake and Amanda Bynes? I feel so blessed by not having a tv...
+1, thanks a lot
Ummm, where did you not see the part that she is writing about her brother? I guess, hypocrisy doesn't really enter the game here.