
Wow, the cab driver stopped almost immediately, great reaction time. And the whole sinkhole thing was really very badly secured. Even if she hadn't talked on the phone, at least on the video it was not very apparent there was a 20 ft.-drop anywhere imminent.

Can we please get on with printing those cells onto sails, please? So I can surf the internet while I am out windsurfing?

Could not resist...the term Android© Trojan© was too much....

well, to be precise, only a few of them feature "the worst" expressis verbis.

Without Jessica Biel's derriere it can hardly be called a gallery worth looking at.

Nice. However, I had to stop listening after one minute or so, too much positivism about something that is not really of general interest, but that is what it was: a song for her soon-to-be ex-colleagues, a nice gesture, so nothing wrong with that.

Mr. Chan got confused:-P

You mean, it gives Rihanna an unnatural appearance on top of her already entirely unnatural appearance? Color me unimpressed.

actually, not so much a sin as it is evolution in action. Those who buy cheap are clever, those who buy expensive because they can afford it, are rich, and those who buy expensive, but cannot afford it, will be eliminated from the gene pool, eventually. Or find a sugar-daddy(/-mommy) who will make them rich by proxy.

they look uncomfortable as f... eeehm, hell. But I know, that's not the point.

Ummm, sex is a relief for boredom more often than not. While many people, in (literary) retrospect and/or theory imply ulterior motives in sex, the matter of the fact remains that sex serves reproduction, and reproduction alone. As a side-effect it also reduces the anxiety that comes with having somebody repeatedly

Fossil Abacus. I eventually threw it out with all my other garbage when I moved to Germany 1 week ago. Actually, I left all the obsolete stuff with a guy who has a second-hand shop for socially marginalized people. When I came back in to bring him the last bits and pieces I had forgotten before, he was already wearing

Isn't it sort of redundant? Most people (as in 99%) who are on Instagram are also on facebook, I'd say. There would probably not be much of an Instagram without facebook to start with.

facebook = millions of users, times 10$ = shitloads of money. Average stock market IQ < 80 => disaster waiting to happen. But volatility is extremely good if you are not getting caught up in the currents and just ride the wave. This can be extremely interesting. Abundant dumb money.

I am still not getting Instagram anyway. They are making new photos look like old ones? So what?

notably absent: Panasonic

If the remote viewfinder would allow me to control the camera, as the article implies, it would be great for sequences where the camera would be on its own, say, on an RC quadrocopter or just on a tripod where every human intervention would cause too much shaking and jittering of the film. I have been waiting for a

there is a congenital condition called laziness that impedes the majority of women (and a few men too, I have to add) from doing exercise, so popping pills or having tubes inserted is their low-discipline version of controlling weight.

foldable, pliable, bendable?

she's already skinny the way she is.