
Well, you have to consider all the collateral costs with women: feeding them, taking them to the movies, shoes, and most of them wear out over time. And some even require conversation (and all need conservation).

well, Tremors or Dune.

"But the edge will be easily worn down depending on who or what you use it on, and how often" - crikey, there goes my career as a high-tech serial stabber.

Now playing

oK, I have no problems understanding where the orgasm caused by climbing ropes comes from, because it even works on guys. It's called friction and it has worked with me already when I was a kid (and not much aware of that I was having an orgasm). Although it is not really recommended as an exercise if you want to

You obviously have never received a Nigerian spam mail. I think Jesus put his skills to good use here (assuming he is The One, of course).

Now, that's an interesting approach of divide and conquer. As nobody seems to be willing and/or able to step in with military force, they try to fight him right at home? What do they expect? That his wife will hit him over the head with a rolling pin and he'll call off the war?

I was reading Cardiff all of the time... (and I have never been there, just some Welsh friends)

Now, that would have been a way to send Osama to hell while turning all his followers away from him. If he had gotten fried by something that looked like the wrath of god Al Qaida would have had a hard time explaining the justice of their mission.

Thanks for the link. I checked out some cracked articles (not the comments, though) and it brightened up my day with a couple of mad chuckles.

I just wanted to illustrate the point that by enclosing ban-worthy words in hyphens you can actually escape the mighty Thor. Now, "pilkunnussija" looks interesting. Are you Finnish?

you forgot "ass", "asshole", "wanker", "douche"...

"Real tragedy: triumph of mediocrity." - couldn't agree more. These days I mostly just don't bother to comment, because the better I think the comment is, aka the more I put into it, the more likely it is to be flagged and that makes it boring. Not that I consider myself beyond mediocrity, but in my subjective point

my thgoughts exactly. But you said it better.

Jesus is on a roll. Second article in a row that had me lol and breeze through the lines without nary (or never) stumbling over a # correction-worthy item. Please do go on like this!

"the practice shows now sign", I reckon that would be "no sign"

very subtle, señor! But dildoes (or dildos?) are a meat-analog that clearly cannot be.... hold on - whatever...

all those poor celery stalks and soy beans being killed in the name of vegetarianism...

yeah, exercise is clearly overrated. Pills ftw!

exscatly. I won't be off the shitter for a week after drinking just one liter of coffee.