
I believe you. However, youTube, or it never happened;-)

yeah, it should come in the form of a dildo, you know, to educate little kids a bit more.

Well, it's as original as one of those... Only those were about 200 or so years earlier...

care to demonstrate the raindrops claim?

Dear Violeta,

I was looking for ways to say this, but you have found just the formula.

loathe |lōð|verb [ trans. ]

"From Tiraspol', Stînga Nistrului, Moldova" - welcome to the land of the free, the home of the brave and the utterly confused.


sorry, saw your post only after making mine. But it made me feel better for not being the only one to see that resemblance. I mean, I am embarrassed enough by admitting that I sort of know what Amy W(h)inehouse look(s|ed) like. I know that now she has to be treated as a sort of a semi-goddess, rest her soul, but I

so, the Jock got dismissed for friending the ghost of Amy Whinehouse?

which is precisely (among others) while I <3 -ed you a long time ago. A voice of reason in a crazy world.

Ummm, I'd be careful with that, might get you chased around the block by any visitors from jezebel, implying that it is normal for women to text while walking and consequently fall on their faces. Post-emancipated women are nothing but strong and independent, even if falling on their faces (or butts because they are

that made my head spin. Well written.

Also: I am surprised that The Internet has not yet managed to find our her name and paste their...eeehm...condolences all over her facebook page. Something clearly smells fishy here. That was probably just a publicity stunt. Something viral.

"We're loath to make light of a woman falling down so severely that she has trouble getting up and attracts the attention of an entire crowd" - Which is precisely why you posted this video, I reckon.

Yup. But it can also be a good way to make contact with somebody without having to come up with a pick-up line. I first met one girlfriend when she was standing in a queue in a bank and I was walking past outside and nearly stumbled and fell on my arse because I kept staring at her. When I had made my peace with

First of all the frequency and number of different things done in public at the same time should be proportional to the IQ of the persons carrying them out. Some people's brains are already pushed to their limits by having to breathe and scratch their head at the same time. And notorious texters seem to fall more into

This is just evolution made observable. As long as the take-home message is "don't walk and text".

problem with vision is that you can only focus it on one object. And if your eyes are on the text, they cannot focus on the background. Peripheral vision is just that, so it won't apply to the screen, because that's in the center of your field of vision; and motion detection won't work either, because the steps did