
well, Oprah is black and has curly hair. The rest is probably just detail to some people:-S

Well, cyclists look better (except for myself with the round green body and the 3 stalk-eyes, but that's genetics) and are more enduring, because they get loads of exercise, and on the other hand their sex-drive is reduced to, say, thinking and wanting sex maybe once or twice per day, instead of sitting in front of

I see you are well versed in the art of familiar nicknames. And just supposing that this was her actual baby? Well, I suppose toddlers still don't get cellphones these days, so basically your assumption was sound. How romantic!

well, yeah, but how far will it ramify? Would the thief sue him for assault just to be branded a thief and tried as such?

Jesus, seriously: What is it with you and the Azerbaijanis? Or just having a bad day? To the best of my knowledge, a turd is something that spreads out horizontally on the ground, but not sticking up in the sky. There is at least a bit of metaphorical wrongness here.

Does the NATO use Nigerian spammers to write their reports?

no, not Australian or Kiwi accent. Just plain English. They have a lot of different accents there. Also, I think, Bristol (or Brighton, I can never remember) accent is pretty similar to Ozzie/Kiwi/South African accent. After all, the Ozzies/Kiwis/South Africans at some point have left the mothership and taken their

how did you know it was the boyfriend?

My faith in humanity is partially restored. Just what kept him from putting the other guy in a headlock and twisting the phone out of his hands? He didn't look frighteningly strong, I'd say. Was it just manners?

you are my new personal hero! It took me a moment to comprehend what you did there (intellacktual issues, I suppose, on my side), but that is pure genius. Now, I just have to consider if I have time to process all that additional information. But I could easily set up a subdomain of one of my central domains, such as


one? Gimme...well...hang on a sec...I counted 4. Please.

Russians will stay calm even through a 40-foot tsunami, coupled with a magnitude 9 earthquake and Britney Spears blazing from some car stereo at 120 dB.

ummm, actually it makes it a lot less fun for almost everybody here, because there are the ones who are making fun of other people because of their bodies, and then there are those who are awfully indignated about other people making fun of other (other) people's bodies. It's a symbiotic relationship. You just can't

I actually thought of adding that, but that would have made a cool sentence needlessly long.

we can't just "make" Helium for the same reason we can't just "make" new electrons and protons. We still lack the technology to create atoms on a bigger scale de novo and energy-efficiently.

I've always wondered why the End Earth Now party is abbreviated GOP....

hydrogen? What about hydrocarbons? I just farted.

so, another case of the media trying to force the news, aka: working on the assumption that the negative feedback of watching herself gaunt etc. will send her more in a downward spiral? Gee, thanks, great that I am not a public figure. But I guess, if you play the game when you're winning, it won't let you quit if and