
ok, my world is realigned

thanks a lot. I know I was being lazy, but that was a really good nutshell.

so, integrity is a hallmark of Jezebel? Good to know.

Jesus, writing "17-year old pregnant teen" and "stupid teen" is sort of redundant;-) Apart from that, I loled a couple of times, great short article!

thank you. Like a true friend.

just in a nutshell: who is Xeni Jardin?

So, dear Carrier IQ, if there is nothing shady about your app, why not make it opt-out? Problem solved.

Yep, I am clean. Vodafone Portugal, bought my cellie from Amazon.

Methinks, if that photo weren't so badly stretched, she actually wouldn't be half bad. Starting the flame throwers in 3...2...1...

Now, you really made me google that (the bronie). I hope you can live with the knowledge.

Dear Julian, no, no, and no, in an answer to your questions (ok, I get my newsletter from the institute and invitations to lab meetings and other stuff through gmail, but nothing personal leaves through that channel), but I still don't think that makes any freaking difference. People trying to fuck up other people's

I would worry very much about you, if I were you. Such a boring life you must lead...

actually, anybody of us being born is the result of someone getting screwed...(test-tube babies excepted)

"or other church functions, except for funerals" -because only a dead niggah is a good niggah? To make sure they are really dead? What century are those people living in?

pray tell the connection. I feel a certain laziness coming on as to investigate this sort of pop culture thing on Google...



hmmm, what about a somatosensory feedback loop that enhances signal processing while decreasing memorization? When muscles move, resources get reallocated to situation awareness, because when you run, you don't want to topple over. Also, memorization requires recurrence, loops in the brain. If you run while your brain

well, yeah, also works with me, all the time. It's called fear.

Now playing

well, they've still got 5 more weeks to go...