
And another fun fact gleamed from the link of statutory rape: She said the sexual encounter took all of 30 seconds. That babyface is sure a quick shooter, and a straight hit after 30 seconds of oooba-balooga? Color me awed. A legend in the making.

ummm, I still do not really see what you subtract the mtDNA from and how you filter out the female DNA that way.

sorry to be causing you such distress

how is this news? Slow day at the office?

he bears the stench grizzlily

thank you for pointing that out:-D Now, I have to go mop the floor because I spilled my drink...:-S

hey, but those 200,000 CDs must have been drifting quite a while, message-in-a-bottle style

ok, I think the joke's on the critter, still, live forever or no. Anyway, I think I might just have found the reason why: it's a ginseng mole rat!

a damn quick cruel death


"but added 200,000 since last year. How can this be?" Good marketing?

oK, not as bad as some of the stuff from B-bloody-yoncé (and at least this one doesn't have to shove in your face all of the time that she thinks -or her producer thinks- that she is exceedingly sexy).

Their MusicPlayer was always shite, only ever played the first song of the 50 we had on the playlist there, the other ones had to be accessed directly on the wall of our band page. And, as far as I am concerned, the player already disappeared a while back, how is this news now?

Thanks Mat for including the Timex! It still looks good to me, the Nike and the Polar are no options for a swimmer and triathlete. But the Garmin really seems to be ahead of the pack, and it is also the best swimmer's watch. Well, I think I know what will eventually replace my Suunto Core and the G-Shock. Maybe I can

Comparing a watch with GPS and wireless onboard to one that has neither, in terms of battery life, is missing the mark by a mile.

We are not talking just watches here, we are talking serious sports watches. Next thing I konw you'll be telling everybody that sports is overrated. Nice, if you only need the Casio, practice other sports or none at all, your choice. Just make sure your comments fit the article.

no GPS. Even on the t6d none.

Funny thing is that this one dimension is a lot more suited to Megan Fox's acting proficiency, but much less to her only saving grace. Who would want to watch MF if she was flat?

Now playing

oh, we have had this in Europe for, I don't know, about half a century probably. May I present: La Linea.

So, will I have to reboot my undies in the future? And couldn't they run on methane?