ok, hope that shows the screenshot:-S
ok, hope that shows the screenshot:-S
Congratulations! Your context bot got that one right, Giz.
unleash the mighty snake!
TSA officer: Is that a snake in your pants, or are you just happy to see me?
ok, first the obvious: Snakes on a Plane?
what took you so long?
чернобыл нет в россие - it's in Ukraine, guys, as other people have very rightly pointed out before (so I added a bit of cyrilic to not keep posting the same:-D...) - 違いました
shutting down communication can have the same effect as exemplified in the old story of the family who is sitting in front of the telly when electricity is cut off. The father turns around, looks at his son and says: "Boy, you have grown!"
no iOS devices. There will only be one iPad. Well, maybe a second one with a different size. But to diversify the family would mean to betray the principle according to which AAPL knows better what you want and need than you yourself do. Customization is evil.
ok, just chiming in: I don't get it either. There is a guy who is not immediately taking a date as a permission to hit on her, he has actually achieved something in his life by dedication, albeit one that is probably very much different from the type of stuff she condones.
Love you guys! I knew I could count on you! No more feeling stupid anymore (just this nagging certainty...).
and how much is this stuff supposed to cost? Looks like a cheap-ass fibreglass contraption to me, material cost ˜100 euro in the nearest hardware store, painted silver so it looks cooler. Is that how I can get my photo published on Giz? Hold a crashed science fair project in my hands, grow a bit of a beard, where a…
ok, I am intrigued. Who is that made-up guy/woman with a beard that keeps popping up every time some exceptionally insane point has to be made on Gizmodo? I never get this point, because I don't know who it is. So, care to enlighten me?
Over here in Europe it's called train surfing and I have seen kids do it on the suburban trains in the Lisbon area, The Hague and all over Germany.
What do you want to bet?
Congratulations, Sam, very well written, excellent imagery.
yeah, the Icarus principle, also called fuck-up-by-stupidity-and-hybris
my mind could fit on a 2 GB µSD card. I have no illusions about myself.
In 10 years this will all fit on a µSD card for 25 euros at amazon.
Write "Nipples" and put up that photo right below it is kind of, I don't know, an unholy combination. I was losing some concentration (or concentrated on the wrong part). But I can imagine how Brent came up with the nipple reference.