
well, their windows and mouse paradigm was pretty unique. But let's not forget that it wasn't AAPL's idea either. They adapted it from Xerox.

I feel that the all-encompassing "we" in the title of a clearly individual opinion piece is, for once, completely inadequate and not very courageous; it also tries to stifle contradiction by making the opposition feel like they were going against their own/a huge majority of consensus.

come on, let's haggle about the 0.1%:-D

Apple is traumatized because they still feel that Microsoft ate their lunch after the first versions of the Finder came out, so they are now suing the pants off anybody who tries something similar. It's like ditching styluses because their handwriting recognition on the Newton didn't do so good in the first go and

why the bloody hell can't I promote this comment, Giz? I click on the thumbs-up, and nothing happens. NOTHING! :-S

swiping has been around since the beginning of books, actually.

round wheels. Let's put a patent on that!

now, that's better;-)

this is not a µ4/3... oh, wait, some people remarked on that already...but why isn't this fixed yet?

meh, I have been taking my lappies to the bathroom ever since the PowerBook 100. Wireless routers are one of the biggest progresses in humankind of the last decades!

ever considered taking anger management classes (AMMC)?

and when a chasm opens right under the airport, they are f...ed no matter how nicely the structure can sway and dance.

"were to mentally challenged to learn students what's actualy used" - interesting juxtaposition...

wrestling? Over Kiss? Now, that's a traumatized childhood!

I think it's hard to reach a certain level of abstraction if you can understand the original text:-S

imitation is the sincerest form of flattery

you forgot the "-drive" in the end.

nearly fell off my chair. Flamingos (or Flamigoes?) hey?

but this is before AAPL tax...

come on, admit it. There was only one who was remotely cute, so that's how you counted: irrelevant, irrelevant, moobs, irrelevant, irrelevant, BOOOOOBIIIES, irrelevant, irrelevant, moobs....