
so, does this show that public pressure is not always good to bring private matters under way? Although, marriage is always a public thing, bringin public and moral pressure to bear on the continuance of an otherwise supposedly harmonious relationship.

think ahead into the future: applefemto.com is still available. If AAPL eventually buys it from you, please remember me and cut me a 10% stake. Maybe you want to try appleatto as well...

oK, first thing, I would argue that due to our hardware constraints as feeling and thinking animals, it is technically impossible for us to escape the prison of causality. We are simply set up to continuously form a model of the surrounding world in our heads, associate or re-evaluate old and new information with

That, my dear friend, is the paradox of life. We have the nagging suspicion, that it is all in vain, yet we create religions, ideologies, technology and art, all driven by the hope to somehow transcend this insignificance. Hope is our engine in life.

just to juxtapose your own words: what does "deadly" mean, if not "destroy", pray tell?

how about the same stuff, but for Europe?

why do hackers hack? Now, that's an easy question. Because one day, they eventually will die.

And here I thought french kissing required the use of a tongue... Damn, had it wrong all those years!

I have been wondering about their Kindle publishing policies for independent authors. I read the agreements and had trouble working out if I was being kicked in the back, the head, the buttocks or the gonads. Needless to say, I haven't uploaded anything yet. But maybe I am just too daft...

MissingSync does a pretty decent job of syncing, although I haven't synced my music yet, because I prefer to keep it just on the µSD-card in the phone.

isn't he supposed to, like, do a lot of sports and stuff? Or is that just when the camera is watching?

yeah, I have been trying the essence part for a while now. Never works, though.

so, the saudis will soon have the biggest? Gee, good to know.

Armageddon. Looks like a little H-bomb just went off in their backyard. Truly amazing. No chopping?

Do you, John F Doe want to marry the present Mary Jane Doetoo?

the Spaghettimonster doesn't

when future archaelogists unearth our women's high heels, they will be stumped guessing what those could be good for. They would never make the connection that they were actually supposed be put on feet, because nobody could ever be that stupid.

why is it filed under law and not WTF?

ok, rephrase: couldn't they have sent in with a police helicopter. Sigh. It was the technology that mattered to me, not which part of the military was sent in, the more barbaric or the more civilized one...

so, she looks the way she really looks if she were naked, but she is not? My brain hurts!