Shawn Hudson

Isn't that what the Trump presidency is - the South winning the war?

Was Kentucky Fried Movie a movie?

I would like to see Martin Lawrence as Big Momma playing Leslie's character, backed up by the Wayans brothers as the remaining white chicks in the sequel. The only way to defeat outrage is to make outrage so confused that it folds in on itself and becomes love.

You're not alone. I play open-world games almost exclusively and have for 10 years, but my ability to navigate is for shit. I get lost so often that it's like a joke between my wife and I. Come to think of it, I believe that I spend a lot of time getting lost in those games, too.

Ah crap … I saw Arnold and assumed it was Hercules Goes Bananas that had received 100% fresh rating. That would've been special.

Have you ever watched Epic Movie? That's stupid.

Ugh, city slickers.

I re-watched THE PHANTOM MENACE for the first time since its theatrical release two days ago, in part because a friend of mine is a big STAR WARS fan and we had just bought tickets to the new film. Well, our tone before the opening crawl was very much one of "This movie isn't so bad. We'll probably enjoy it more

Wait a minute … this isn't unprecedented. Didn't the studio also yoink From Justin to Kelly from theaters after two weeks?

I found a storybook version of the film on vinyl. Not sure what else I might've spent $3 on that day, but it seemed a wise investment at the time. I also distinctly remember a film tie-in between WILLOW and Velveeta Cheese, which is kinda what my life was all about when this came out.

As did I … rented it several times and asked my dad to wake me up extra early so I could play it. It had a famous glitch (is "famous" the right word for this game) where it would freeze up or not let you into the next room (sumpin' like that) after fighting General Kale. And like many NES games, it has a ridiculous

This is interesting, because I just had the opposite reaction while playing Fallout 3 last night.

This is the future of podcasts … we'll transcribe everything in this off-the-cuff conversation! I'm sorry to whatever writer had to spend the 3 hours typing this out.

Which one didn't have the voiceover? In '98, I saw two different cuts - one with v.o., one w/o - because I was writing a paper on how the novel translated to screen. I also remember one of those showing a paper crane at the end, and the other not showing it.

He's either been awake for four days in this photo or on the 17th day of a 7-day juice fast.

whiskey stained buck-toothed backwoods creep
Grizzly bear motherfucker never goes to sleep
It's just the shit-kickin', speed-takin', truck-drivin' neighbors downstairs
Ohhhhhhh my goodddnessss

Where is the Mellow Gold Beck at when we need him?

Wow, Magus looks absolutely horrible. Thanks?

While playing though Skyrim for the third time, I would turn the music down to a sliver and play the "Nerd Poker" podcast over the top of it. I know Skyrim's got some decent orchestral scores, but killing blind Falmer isn't nearly as dramatic or intense as the music imagines it is.