Shawn Hudson

I didn't review Interstellar, but my friends and I did just teach the world how to properly drink when Battlefield Earth happens to be on … also Critters … also Abraxas: Guardian of the Universe … also I Come in Peace and You Go In Pieces.

I'm with him on the documentary. It's fucking nonsense. His other comments are all cocaine-induced.

How comes trolls are always listed as "employee of Best Buy" or neckbeard, etc. What if Bum Phillips and Stephen Hawking actually get together for some fuckery on the web, chastising people, burning metaphorical crosses in metaphorical backyards? I bet the leading troll of Jennifer Lawrence is actually Jennifer

Next coaster, play each other in Smash Bros.

Breaking into that Chinese gold mine - get the Netflix name out in China, potentially invade the country with streaming. Plant a flag? Good move, Netflix. Big movie companies are just sad they didn't do it.

Nature's Krang. I wonder if the local Whole Foods has one ….

Odenkirk said it was the funniest sketch comedy show on … on CBB, and I agree almost all of his characters are funny, played with a veteran's skill. I'm still on the fence about the rest of the show … no big laughs after three episodes. A lot of times it feels like more effort goes into the look rather than into the

#1 reason that the OLDBOY remake failed is that Brolin is no match for his Korean counterpart. The man is a fantastic explosion.

Sounds like you made the wrong choice. Also, VOD unsurprisingly makes all of its movies fall victim to short-attention span syndrome.

I'm most upset about his dismissal of Fifth Element. The rest … who gives a shit? It's Gary-Fuckin'-Oldman! He can call me whatever he likes.

Garfunkel & Oates … I hate multiple songs of theirs. Can we do an article about that?

That's the deal, though … Martin told the show-runners where he wants things to go, and if you look back to Season 3's ending, we never got to see any of the Walkers' actual habitations or "leaders" in the books. Season 5 will be Walker-time, mark my words. And then this crazy reversal will happen to all of the people


Wedge sounds like a real asshole. Any chance that Disney will digitally edit a canned ham into his spaceship, instead?

Yes, I remember clearly even my teenage-self hating and despising Lost World as being a total shitbomb, and the gymnastics in it only broke the camel's back. Sure, you can make a case that Lost World is better than Jurassic Park in the same way that I can say that Gary Oldman's 1,250 years old or that the planet

I know; it's usually why I don't reply to taboo topics on message boards … I'll just bust in and either mediate an unwanted compromise or bore everyone to death with logic.

Yes, we could go on and on. That's because PEOPLE are insane. And the philosophy that an insane person chooses to believe in often has little to do with what was intended; it's typically been twisted and rationalized to fit the insane person's agenda.

Timothy McVeigh?