I am White. And I am listening. And I am learning. And I am humbled.
I am White. And I am listening. And I am learning. And I am humbled.
“..you write articles blatantly saying there are no good or kind white people, that every white person is an asshole, that every white person is a racist prick. I love your writing...”
I can tell you all the precise instant when I will love this country...
Tears again. As a white person do I get to be an expert on when someone is racist against whites? Because I absolve Michael Harriot of such nonsensical claims. He speaks truth to power!
In your hands, the word is a battleaxe, a sword, a scalpel.
We will raise a glass to Kwamé today. Thank you for this touching story.
Damn, Michael...
I was thinking of some kind of award you should get for your writing, but then I realized the only reward you’d probably even be willing to accept for everything you do is simply this: a better America. So I’ll try to get that for you. It’ll take a while, but you have my word that I’ll keep trying as long as I still…
PREACH!!! I’m totally DONE with WHITE PEOPLE!!! I’m over them! Fukk em! Fukk their FEELINGS, their FRAGILITY TEARS, their ‘I’m an Ally’ (til the cops show up) and FUKK their RACISM! I’m truly over it/them! I’m not BLACKSLAININ’ (not putting up with WHITESPLAININ’) and I’m telling them all... RACISM is YOUR PROBLEM! I…
Michael Harriot is America’s greatest living writer
Michael, I’ve been reading articles, columns, op-eds, etc.. for almost 50 years, and this is literally one of, if not THE best piece I have ever read.
It’s because they have been so far removed from real suffering for so long, especially in america where most americans don’t know what real war is like.
Yea, I know. Likely the most FRAGILE beings on...EARTH
Those that scream so loudly that they love america.. like the resident trolls.. hate everything about america
Its the kind of story that makes your soul ache.
There have been Black people like this since slavery. No matter which Racism Apologist comes along, progress will be made with or without them.
She’s running in my parent’s district where I grew up. Ironically the 7th is mostly suburban it looks like a half eaten pacman only a small section is in Baltimore City. I was so hot when I saw her strutting through the worst block she could find as if she was going to do something about I lost my shit and I’ve been…
Dollar Store Omarosa needs to keep on walking until she ends up in the harbor.
“Name a blue city where Black people’s lives have gotten better. Try. I’ll wait.”
I used to say that once you start shucking and jiving; you can’t stop until you are dead. But Herman Cane has proven me wrong in that regards. My point is that Stanning for republicans and racists is not a get rich quick plan. It is a lifetime of shucking , jiving, and cooning because there is no coming back from it.…