
Men who are offended over WAP should really never find out Madonna and Britney Spears existed, their tiny minds would pop like balloons... Unless of course, it’s not really about the lyrics and they are just upset that this time it’s black women singing about their pussy.

Pretty sure the former is what Ben Shapiro thinks about...frequently and often. 

Shut the fuck up.

Also. If you like prince, but talk shit about “what” WAP is about then you’re a hypocrite. There's plenty of other r&b and rap artists who have talked or wrote about much worse. I'm not a hip hop fan because I prefer actual music.  With real instruments that require music reading and an actual talent of creating

“Esteban......do you want to come in for some lemonaaaaaaade?”

Notice how I said I’m not bothered by her music.

Only those that suffer from a massive case of Small Dick Energy are bothered by WAP.

Donald Trump: “Grab ’em by the pussy. You can do anything.”
Conservatives: “I’m fine with this.”
Cardi B: *Drops WAP (it’s fire)
Conservatives: “THiS iS DisGuSTInG & ShE ShoUlD bE AsHAaaaMED!!!!!11"

It’s probably fake outrage and dudes complaining are secretly fapping to the song.

EXACTLY. Cupcakke has an entire body of work that makes this song look like a Starbuck drink order. It’s not that big a deal. WOMEN HAVE SEX. Women also *GASP* like sex, too.

It’s still funny to see dads all “my daughter” when these are the same motherfuckers that were making it rain dollar bills on some titties at the Spearmint Rhino in 10 years ago.

I think you hit the nail on the head with the men don’t matter bit.

Technically all Pussy is Gluten-Free.. (but its definitely not Vegan)

It’s believable, not because conservative folks didn’t get the memo that culture has evolved.

Can’t believe monocles are still dropping in 2020 over women being overtly sexual.

These dummies can’t even find real black people to wear their stupid T-shirts.

Exactly. Anyone who is operating under the misapprehension that his continued blatant disregard for anyone or anything that doesn’t further his white supremacist agenda will cause Republicans to suddenly grow a conscience needs to GTFOHWTBS.

They’ve done nothing. And I am sure they feel no remorse. After all he has over 90% of Republicans that still support him and his approval numbers have remained in the 40s, despite his disgusting degeneracy. As such he has a real chance of being re-elected again, because of white people.

My response every time I see the latest low that DJT has sunken to: “White folks, y’all did this.” For all of you who feel the need to say “not all white people”, what did you actively do to try to make sure he didn’t get elected, aside from voting against him?

I am glad that it was emphasized that Whites are the ones who voted for Trump in droves, thus they are the reason that everyone is suffering under a deluded, stupid, irredeemable psychopath now. It is also important to illustrate that Obama was elected twice because of non-white people, not whites. The last time a