
As it turns out, she meant that he was being treated the way Black folks are and that his family background i.e. single parent home, low-income, etc was similar to the U.S. image of African-Americans. She said she meant it to reflect the disdain White America has for Black folks and in that way, he was the first

He still sucks.

“Give me a minute to collect my notes.” - Ghislaine Maxwell

Goodness. It’s almost like after not being called out or facing consequences for anything for almost 30 years has left the guy with the impression that he can say whatever he’d like whenever he’d like, without regard to the setting or appropriateness. So weird.

Why was he speaking instead of Jimmy Carter? Or literally anyone else?

That picture makes me sad and mad and hurt for her. 

Tom Cotton is the Rand Paul of Steve Kings.

But just look at that little chicken shit. Imagine him marching face-forward into rifle and cannon fire. Oh, you can’t? Of course you can’t; me either! I say there’s a 99% chance he’d have evaded the CSA draft under the Twenty Negro Law. Throughout all history, guys like him are always willing, eager to let other guys

Same folks who said antifa was... fascist.

He still is.

Somebody smack that motherfucker upside the head.

He would have been the bone spurs enslaved owner that made everyone else fight for him because he is as the southerners say, “about as useful as tits on a bull”

He still is.

There’s like a 100% chance Tom Cotton would have fought for the Confederacy.

So I guess what he’s saying is that we should build statues recognizing Black Lives Matters since it’s a part of our heritage.

Now playing

“If you’re pre-born you’re fine; if you’re preschool you’re fucked.”

I remember parents intentionally spreading chicken pox when I was kid, (by having us hang out with kids sick with the pox to encourage the development of immunity to chicken pox at a young age, since it’s much worse to get it when it’s older). This coronavirus pandemic is so much unlike chicken pox that it’s not

There are roughly 900K public school K12 kids in Missouri. At the administration’s estimate of 99.98% recovery, that means about 180 kids could die — and that doesn’t account for lingering health issues, transmission to parents/grandparents/younger siblings, or the health & well being of adminstrators, teachers, and

Just a silly question to ask. When are our politicians going to lead by example take on the same risks they want the rest of us to face? 

I don’t get what their end game is anymore. Republicans used to be pretty easy to figure out: White supremacy + Paranoia = Power (and profit). Their party’s popularity has tanked because of Dump’s incompetence during the pandemic, and they want to make the crisis worse while riding the sinking ship all the way to the