
The NFL specializes in exploitative, empty, gestures. And even their 80 year old dicks get hard when they get to make empty gestures that exploit servicemen like giant flags, flyovers, “hero of the game,” or claiming that players kneeling hurts “the troops.”

“I am not sure they are worthy of the Red Tail name,” Lt. Col. James Harvey, 97, told Time. “They don’t win that many games...”,

I have no skin in this game, but I would think if you’re going to name a team after actual people that are still living, you need to respect the shit out of their position on the matter.  Otherwise it’s an empty gesture, and likely exploitative.

Reading another article, there’s something that bothers me about people like this.

“The world’s biggest badass and the world’s biggest victim” is such an amazing way to describe nearly all idiots like that gun totin “non-racist”. It’s amazing how they always want it both ways. She didn’t deescalate anything.

While white people are definitely packing.

That’s pretty much my takeaway from this. She was safely inside a van with literal metal plating to protect her and a clear forward path to drive away, but decided to leave that safety to stand exposed in the open with nothing but a threat of murder to protect her. Pretending that was an act of self defence out of

When will the right wing learn to take personal responsibility for their actions?

You could argue that, but it's hard to make a case for if slurs and symbols aren't used (which is probably why they weren't charged with it). But their victims definitely did not ethnically intimidate them.

F#%k these whiny babies. You know who legitimately has a right to claim PTSD, the photojournalist they blinded by aiming rubber bullets at her face

“I’m seeing PTSD symptoms of officers with highly diminished capacity to live and socialize, extraordinary rates of divorce, and alcohol dependency – just to cope,” he said in a statement. “It is an emotional crisis that cannot and should not continue.”

So his clients were doing the actual ethnic intimidating. In other words they’re projecting, like their leader and idol, Dump.

Yeah. Pulling a gun has never de-escalated a situation. Ever. You pull a gun to escalate a situation to a conclusion as fast as possible. Usually with little regard or understanding of what that conclusion might be. Pulling a gun is how you say “we are done talking about this, one way or another.”

The legal definition tends to be harrassing somone over their race. Painting a swastika on a jewish families house.

Narcissists gonna narcissize. Been dealing with one of those lately too (MIL). It’s a crazy fantasy world they live in, and nothing is ever their fault. Good luck with yours! 

“Ethnic intimidation” is another term for walking around doing things while black.
I live for the day when “I felt threatened”, and being “terrified” cease to be the free pass some people want it to be.
Cry all you want, honey, you did what you did and you seemed just fine to me while you were doing it.

LMAO, gonna be very hard to convince anyone that you weren’t interested in escalating when you specifically put yourself in greater danger while also introducing a firearm to the equation... and then hyperventilating while holding said firearm because your mind was running away from you.


I know the poor guy was totally traumatized in that moment and not thinking clearly but never ever ever trust them when they try to get you to sign that shit! It’s Law and Order 101: Where’s my lawyer? 

“It would be good for you to sign this [Miranda rights waiver] and then we can get you, get your statement and then we can leave you alone,” PIU Sgt. Amanda Seelye told Walker.