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This is free content, ignore the ads and let them make a little money.
It’s not working, either. Terry Crews will end up like countless white women who thought that throwing fellow women under the bus would get them a seat at patriarchy’s dining room table. Nope de nope de nope nope.
Can you believe that Terry Crews ended up being what most of us thought Wayne Brady was, and vice versa?
This was my entire thought while reading the tweet. Like, who the fucked asked Terry Crews his opinion about anything? Why does he think we care? There isn’t a single serious voice out here talking about black supremacy or cancelling white people or any such shit...and yet he’s out here refuting arguments no one is…
Conservative white folks are being treated in just a few months to 1% of what we’ve experienced for hundreds of years...and they’ve already lost their minds.
Terry Crews is so wedded to the idea of being “the big, scary black guy that white people like because it turns out that despite his big blackness, he’s not so scary after all” that he just fully has brain worms now and will say whatever shit he thinks will keep those Brooklyn Nine-Nine and America’s Got Talent…
Two near-universal truths.
I can’t find the original tweet, but this sentiment cracks me up every time.
Projection is a powerful drug. Those exact people want to put all nonwhites back in chains, so they think you’ll do the same to them.
Tucker Fucking Carlson says “When they want something, they take it. Make them mad and they will set your business on fire.” About BLM. With memories of Tulsa barely out of the daily news cycle. Without a trace of fucking irony. I can’t say publicly what I think a piece of shit like him deserves.
This paragraph! This paragraph is everything:
Chris Rock had this great skit on his show about the black community being “almost there” that I can’t help thinking about.
So if DWade and Gabrielle being open minded about their child’s sexual orientation puts the community up by 20 steps...
Pretty sure Terry Crews playing a cop that makes white audiences happy with…
Apparently, wypipo find the prospect of covering their noses and mouths with a piece of cloth so disturbing that it triggers a reaction psychologists describe as Unseasoned Mask Affective Disorder (UMAD).
I hate when you make me think this late in the day, Michael.
Muzzled Ken is doing his thing though. He’s like Jeff Bridges trying to earn an Oscar. I’ve never seen someone so impassioned and stentorian while saying something so vapid and stupid. “How dare you, sir, demand that I look out for the health of myself, my family and my community. Shame on you and your benevolence!”
It’s simply a manifestation of the fear of reprisals for slavery and over a century of systematic oppression.
45 million are somehow interested in taking over the same shitty people who oppress them? Nah that’s some European BS. Their favorite pastime is grabbing land and subjugating people. All we want is to work, and walk down a street in peace. You can keep all that psychotic subversion and slavery shit.
Just like my momma never said:
What in the world?!?!? I’m officially done with him. It’s been too many instances of him saying the wrong shit for me not to believe this is who he is. I guess the reason why he played the character so well in white chicks is because that’s who he really is.