
I’ve been to Carbon Hill (my family is from the area) and until this moment, I didn’t know they had a mayor or needed one.

He has said racist things in the past and supposedly doubled down and said he wouldn’t resign over them... most definitely the latter.  Don’t fuck with the Crimson Tide. The undertow is deadly. 

Thrice daily.

The only thing he is killing is a whole hoagie 

Right? At what point do you say, “Oh, there’s wide-spread media reports of marginalized groups being brutalized? I gotta get in on that!”

I’m honestly starting to think Facebook won’t crack down on racists because they’re the company’s target demographic.

They can’t help it. They could attempt to wait until the movement blows over, and then continue to be racist to their little heart’s content while in office. But they can’t even do that.

Wait, so is he resigning because he was outed as a racist shit-head, or because he dared to insult Nick Saban, AKA Alabama’s Football Jesus.

Please... A picture of this piece of shit is required. “I didn’t do it” has been this fucker’s go to.

A police department spokesperson says the decision was “done in an effort to protect those officers,”

Don’t give a fuck about your links. School shootings and bombings are not new in America, been happening since mid 1800's.

Blah de blah blah these are overwhelmingly white crimes. No one is traveling to the islands and African (and poor Asian countries) specifically to fuck children, but white people, including white women to fuck black boys and men. Google it!

I for one, like the mayor’s tweet, cuts right to the bone. I don’t know if it’s possible but if I was a mayor, I wouldn’t let Trump come to my town unless he prepaid for the visit because if I remember correctly he or his staff hasn’t paid any of the town’s costs that he has his rallies in.

Yeah, it’s SOP. Most of the time, they just want the outrage to die down before either returning the cop to the streets, or firing them with the understanding that they’ll be able to find a new job in the next county over.

Oh the Chicago thing! I see all kinds of ”stats”, just this week I blocked someone on Quota who said we’re 10 percent (already wrong) of the population and then pulled some crimes stats out of his ass. So I just responded every single number you spouted is wrong, I’m not playing this game. Then I gave him some

I grew up around lots of white people, went to college with them, and became their token employee at work:

It’s so fucking exhausting...

Why we got to commemorate masters? I didn’t have any masters.

They can fix their fingers to type that they’re tired of hearing about slavery because “It’s fucking history!!”, but when Confederate statues, which have a direct correlation to slavery, are removed, they say people are trying to “erase history”. As always, it’s fine to have reminders of it shoved in our faces as long